100 Things Successful People Do, Expanded Edition

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2021-12-07
Publisher(s): Nicholas Brealey
List Price: $16.95

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An update to the bestselling guide to successful living, with 10 new ideas to support personal growth.

Do you have what it takes to succeed in life, in work and in your relationships? This book is your guide to creating a successful life and accomplishing your goals, from your largest and most audacious to your smallest and most mundane.

Hailed as "inspiring and practical" by Marshall Goldsmith, the bestselling author of Triggers, 100 Things Successful People Do is a guidebook to achieving success in any aspect of your life. You will discover the habits that are common to successful people and find out how to adopt them into your own life so that you can be successful too. Mixing simple instructions with activities to get you started, whether you are looking to succeed in your family life, at work, in sports, at school or in retirement, you will find, mindsets, habits and techniques here that will help you get the results you want.

100 Things Successful People Do is an attractive hardback - perfect to give as a gift or keep for yourself.

Author Biography

Nigel Cumberland is an award-winning global coach who helps leaders and teams to optimise and enhance their success in both their careers and lives. He has coached and trained at some of the world's most prestigious organisations such as the United Nations, the World Bank Group, Standard Chartered Bank, Google, Dell, LVMH, Christian Dior, Continental AG and the Dubai Government. He is one of the elite Marshall Goldsmith approved coaches and a member of Harvard Business Review's Advisory Council. He is also a Freeman of the City of London and has been given the award as one of the world's top 100 leadership coaches.

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