Acts of Faith

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-07-27
Publisher(s): Beacon Press
List Price: $16.00

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Customer Reviews

Brilliant and extremely insightful  May 15, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

This textbook is for anyone interested in understanding the world we live in today. We live too close to each other now, in this new smaller world, to live isolated and rigid in our own views, making the clash of civilizations a self-fulfilling prophecy. Eboo Patel's textbook shows us a different, necessary way toward the future. It was more of an autobiography. It was, however, well written and interesting. I would recommend this textbook to anyone. It has excellent insights for the faithful believer, seeker or unbeliever of any and all religions. I rented this rental textbook from this site, but after reading it I can say that this book is worth buying and keeping.

Acts of Faith: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


With a new afterword by the author

A renowned Muslim activist’s personal story of building a global interfaith youth movement that might just change the world Eboo Patel is one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States.

Acts of Faith is his story of growing up Muslim in America and how he came to believe in religious pluralism. This highly acclaimed book is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people.

“A beautifully written story of discovery and hope.”-President Bill Clinton

“A visionary book, part coming-of-age memoir and part call-to-action . . . A shining vision of the possibilities of interfaith cooperation and pluralistic discourse.” -Adam Mansbach, The Boston Globe

“The best recent American statement about living one’s faith in a pluralistic society.”-Robin Lovin, Christian Century

“Remarkable . . . A well-written, compelling testimony to how one man is trying to ensure that different religions can live side by side in peace.”-Paul Raushenbush,

Eboo Patel is an exciting new voice of a new America: diverse but not divisive, hopeful but not utopian. He speaks for all of us from a rising generation of bright, brown, and bold Americans who have much to offer a country embarking on a new millennium and in need of new blood.”-Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, executive director of the Zaytuna Institute

Author Biography

Eboo Patel is founder and executive director of the Interfaith Youth Core, a Chicago-based international nonprofit building the interfaith youth movement. He is a regular contributor to the Washington Post, National Public Radio, and CNN. Named one of America’s Best Leaders by US News & World Report, he was appointed by President Obama to the Advisory Council of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Acts of Faith is the 2010 recipient of the prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Religion.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Faith Linep. xi
The Crossroads of the Identity Crisisp. 1
Growing Up American, Growing Up Otherp. 19
Identity Politicsp. 37
Real World Activismp. 59
An American in Indiap. 77
The Story of Islam, the Story of Pluralismp. 101
The Youth Programs of Religious Totalitarians (or Tribal Religion, Transcendent Religion)p. 125
Building the Interfaith Youth Corep. 151
Conclusion: Saving Each Other, Saving Ourselvesp. 175
Postscriptp. 181
Afterwordp. 183
Acknowledgmentsp. 189
Bibliographic Essayp. 191
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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