Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Edition: 125th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-08-10
Publisher(s): Univ of California Pr
List Price: $24.99

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Customer Reviews

Simply Amazing  July 31, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic American novel because it encompass many topics, and still manages to say something significant about all of them. It isn't simply a children's textbook, or a simple adventure tale, but a vision of a battle between individuality and conformity through the eyes of one of the greatest characters in American literature. The point that this textbook is racist is absurd. The ending is there to provide a sharp contrast between Huck, a strong individual and a realist, and Tom, a total conformist and a romantic. Overall, this textbook is a pivotal piece in American literature, and most of the points made in the book still hold true today.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


This 125th Anniversary edition of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is expanded with updated notes and references and a selection of original documents-letters, advertisements, playbills-some never before published, from Mark Twain's first "book tour" to promote its original publication.

Mark Twain (1835-1910) was an American humorist, satirist, social critic, lecturer and novelist. He is mostly remembered for his classic novels The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This is the only edition of Twain's masterpiece based on his complete manuscript, including the 663 pages found in a Los Angeles attic in 1990. It includes all of the illustrations commissioned by Mark Twain, historical notes, a glossary, maps, and selected manuscript pages.

Table of Contents

Illustrationsp. xvii
Forewordp. xix
Mark Twain on Tourp. xxix
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Noticep. xliii
Explanatoryp. xlv
Civilizing Huckp. 1
Miss Wastson
Tom Sawyer Waits
The Boys Escape Jimp. 6
Tom Sawyer's Gang
Deep-laid Plans
A Good Going-overp. 13
Grace Triumphant
"One of Tom Sawyer's Lies"
Huck and the Judgep. 18
Huck's Fatherp. 23
The Fond Parent
He Went for Judge Thatcherp. 29
Huck Decides to Leave
Political Economy
Thrashing Around
Laying for Himp. 37
Locked in the Cabin
Sinking the Body
Sleeping in the Woodsp. 45
Raising the Dead
Exploring the Island
Finding Jim
Jim's Escape
The Cavep. 58
The Floating House
The Findp. 63
Old Hank Bunker
In Disguise
Huck and the Womanp. 68
The Search
Going to Goshen
Slow Navigationp. 77
Borrowing Things
Boarding the Wreck
The Plotters
Hunting for the Boat
Escaping from the Wreckp. 86
The Watchman
A General Good Timep. 93
The Harem
Huck Loses the Raftp. 99
In the Fog
Huck Finds the Raft
"Give Us a Rest."p. 106
The Corpse-Maker Crows
"The Child of Calamity."
They Both Weaken
Little Davy Steps In
After the Battle
Ed's Adventures
Something Queer
A Haunted Barrel
It Brings a Storm
The Barrel Pursues
Killed by Lightning
Allbright Atones
Ed Gets Mad
Snake or Boy?
"Snake Him Out."
Some Lively Lying
Off and Overboard
A White Lie
Floating Currency
Running by Cairo
Swimming Ashore
An Evening Callp. 132
The Farm in Arkansaw
Interior Decorations
Stephen Dowling Bots
Poetical Effusions
Col. Grangerfordp. 142
The Testament
Recovering the Raft
The Wood-pile
Pork and Cabbage
Tying Up Daytimesp. 156
An Astronomical Theory
Running a Temperance Revival
The Duke of Bridgewater
The Troubles of Royalty
Huck Explainsp. 166
Laying Out a Campaign
Working the Camp-meeting
A Pirate at the Camp-meeting
The Duke as a Printer
Sword Exercisep. 177
Hamlet's Soliloquy
They Loafed Around Town
A Lazy Town
Old Boggs
Sherburnp. 189
Attending the Circus
Intoxication in the Ring
The Thrilling Tragedy
"Sold!"-Royal Comparisonsp. 196
Jim Gets Homesick
Jim in Royal Robesp. 203
They Take a Passenger
Getting Information
Family Grief
"Is It Them?"p. 211
Singing the "Doxolojer."
Awful Square
Funeral Orgies
A Bad Investment
A Pious Kingp. 220
The King's Clergy
She Asked His Pardon
Hiding in the Room
Huck Takes the Money
The Funeralp. 230
Satisfying Curiosity
Suspicious of Huck
Quick Sales and Small Profits
The Trip to Englandp. 238
"The Brute!"
Mary Jane Decides to Leave
Huck Parting with Mary Jane
The Opposition Line
Contested Relationshipp. 249
The King Explains the Loss
A Question of Handwriting
Digging up the Corpse
Huck Escapes
The King Went for Himp. 261
A Royal Row
Powerful Mellow
Ominous Plansp. 265
News of Jim
Old Recollections
A Sheep Story
Valuable Information
Still and Sunday-likep. 276
Mistaken Identity
Up a Stump
In a Dilemma
A Nigger Stealerp. 283
Southern Hospitality
A Pretty Long Blessing
Tar and Feathers
The Hut by the Ash-hopperp. 291
Climbing the Lightning Rod
Troubled with Witches
Escaping Properlyp. 298
Dark Schemes
Discrimination in Stealing
A Deep Hole
The Lightning Rodp. 306
His Level Best
A Bequest to Posterity
A High Figure
The Lost Shirtp. 313
Mooning Around
Sailing Orders
The Witch Pie
The Coat of Armsp. 321
A Skilled Superintendent
Unpleasant Glory
A Tearful Subject
Ratsp. 329
Lively Bed-fellows
The Straw Dummy
Fishingp. 335
The Vigilance Committee
A Lively Run
Jim Advises a Doctor
The Doctorp. 343
Uncle Silas
Sister Hotchkiss
Aunt Sally in Trouble
Tom Sawyer Woundedp. 351
The Doctor's Story
Tom Confesses
Aunt Polly Arrives
"Hand Out Them Letters"
Chapter the Last: Out of Bondagep. 360
Paying the Captive
Yours Truly Huck Finn
Mapsp. 365
Explanatory Notesp. 373
Glossaryp. 452
Three Passages from the Manuscriptp. 459
Manuscript Facsimilesp. 492
Referencesp. 510
Note on the Textp. 549
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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