All Systems Go : The Change Imperative for Whole System Reform

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-02-03
Publisher(s): Corwin Pr
List Price: $29.95

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Changing whole education systems for the better as measured by student achievement requires coordinated leadership at school, community, county, and government levels. Based on the author's work with Canadian, UK, and U.S. districts and large systems, this resource lays out a comprehensive action plan for achieving whole-system reform. The book examines:- Successful reform initiatives in the U.S. and abroad- Actions and conditions that have insured traction and sustainability- Ways to avoid common errors of action, funding, and policy- New reforms at the national level that can impact learning right now

Table of Contents

Forewordp. vii
Prefacep. xiii
Acknowledgmentsp. xvii
About the Authorp. xxi
The Systemp. 1
The Idea and Importance of Whole-System Reformp. 3
Deceptive Inadequaciesp. 19
Getting Therep. 33
Collective Capacity at the School and District Levelp. 35
The State We Are Inp. 61
Individual Capacity Buildingp. 81
A New Erap. 93
Politicians and Professionals Unitep. 95
Referencesp. 103
Indexp. 107
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