Ambiguity in the Western Mind
by Paulo, Craig J. N. de; Messina, Patrick A.; Stier, Marc; Messina, Patrick A.
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Ambiguity in the Western Mind includes a collection of essays by internationally renowned scholars such as John D. Caputo, Camille Paglia, Jaroslav Pelikan, and Roland Teske along with a preface by Joseph Margolis, all taking up the question of t
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | vii | ||||
Foreword | |||||
ix | ||||
Preface | |||||
xi | ||||
Introduction | |||||
1 | (14) | |||
In Praise of Ambiguity | |||||
15 | (20) | |||
Tragic Ambiguity in the Oedipus Tyrannos | |||||
35 | (16) | |||
Is Socrates a Model? Ambiguity in the Symposium of Plato | |||||
51 | (21) | |||
Augustine of Hippo on Seeing with the Eyes of the Mind | |||||
72 | (16) | |||
St. Augustine's Phenomenology of Confusion | |||||
88 | (13) | |||
Prudence in St. Thomas Aquinas: Certitude in Ambiguity | |||||
101 | (16) | |||
"Stay, illusion": Ambiguity in Hamlet | |||||
117 | (14) | |||
Leo Tolstoy, Russia's Greatest Heretic | |||||
131 | (17) | |||
HOlderlin's Der Tod des Empedokles: Erste Fassung | |||||
148 | (23) | |||
Paddling Against Ethics: Huck Finn as Moral Quagmire | |||||
171 | (10) | |||
Exploring Ambiguities in the Political Implications of Freud | |||||
181 | (10) | |||
Ambiguities in Nietzschean Philosophy: Problems for Feminism | |||||
191 | (22) | |||
An Afterthought on Ambiguity | |||||
213 | (4) | |||
Notes | 217 | (28) | |||
Index | 245 |
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