Annihilation A Global Military History of World War II

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-03-19
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
List Price: $106.65

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From 1937 to 1945 the world witnessed a succession of savage military strategies and actions on land, in the seas, and in the skies that resulted in the slaughter of more than 50 million people. Incorporating the most recent scholarship on the military history of the Second World War, this study offers a chronological and geographical examination of the most destructive event in recorded human history. Annihilation argues that World War II evolved into a war of annihilation--a total war--that engulfed militants and civilians alike. The book challenges the "good war" thesis by showing that the "strategy of annihilation" was employed by all sides in the conflict. Moving from the onset of hostilities to the final days of battle, the narrative provides a global perspective that links all theaters of the war. Ideal for undergraduate courses on World War II, this uniquely organized text is the first to allow instructors to assign chapters according to time periods or by region.

Author Biography

Tom Zeiler is a Professor of History and International Affairs, and former chair, at the University of Colorado at Boulder where he also directs the Global Studies Residential Academic Program. He serves as the executive editor of Diplomatic History and as the editor-in-chief of American Foreign Relations Since 1600: A Guide to the Literature, as well as on SHAFR's Teaching Committee and governing Council. A member of the State Department Historical Advisory Committee, Tom has lived in Buenos Aires and Tokyo as a Senior Fulbright Scholar. He is the author of six books, including one on the last half of the Pacific War, and several articles.

Table of Contents

Mapsp. vii
Prefacep. ix
Introductionp. 1
Origins and Outbreak, 1919-1939p. 9
Europe Unsettledp. 11
Democracies in Crisisp. 27
Militarism in Asiap. 37
Phony and European Warp. 53
Axis Advance, 1939-1942p. 67
German Expansion, North and Westp. 69
Blitzkrieg and Blitzp. 83
America and the Atlanticp. 100
Battles for the Mediterraneanp. 117
Attack on the Soviet Unionp. 135
Expansion of Imperial Japanp. 151
Turning Points, 1942-1943p. 169
Japan in Triumph and Stalematep. 171
Cataclysm on the Eastern Frontp. 191
Shifting Fortunes in the Mediterraneanp. 204
War of Words, the Sea, and the Airp. 224
Allied Offensives in Asia and the Pacificp. 242
Grinding Rollback, 1943-1944p. 255
Penetrating Japan's Defensesp. 257
Costly Italyp. 274
Soviet Routp. 282
Western European Frontp. 294
Island-Hopping in the Pacificp. 315
Annihilation, 1944-1945p. 327
German Resistance in the Westp. 329
Red Army Sweepp. 346
Shrinking the Japanese Empirep. 361
Fall of the Third Reichp. 378
The Inner Ringp. 386
Conclusionp. 407
Referencesp. 419
Bibliographyp. 435
Indexp. 463
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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