This three-volume handbook is a comprehensive presentation of the theory and application of tests in psychology and education. It begins with an in-depth portrayal of psychometrics: the quantitative underpinning of testing. It then provides thorough, up-to-date and informative chapters related to five general application areas of testing:
- industrial/organizational psychology
- clinical psychology (including health psychology)
- counseling psychology
- school psychology
- educational testing
In each of these five areas, this handbook is probably the most comprehensive review of the use of testing and assessment in the subfield.
Volume 1: Test Theory and Testing and Assessment in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Editorial Board
About the Editor-in-Chief
Series Preface
Part I: Test Theory
Chapter 1: Psychometric Characteristics of Assessment Procedures: An Overview
Anita M. Hubley and Bruno D. Zumbo
Chapter 2: Reliability
Kurt F. Geisinger
Chapter 3: The Generalizability of Test Scores
Edward W. Wiley, Noreen M. Webb, and Richard J. Shavelson
Chapter 4: Test Validity
Stephen G. Sireci and Tia Sukin
Chapter 5: Factor Analysis of Tests and Items
Li Cai
Chapter 6: Applying Unidimensional Item Response Theory Models to Psychological Data
Steven P. Reise, Tyler M. Moore, and Mark G. Haviland
Chapter 7: Item Analysis
Randall D. Penfield
Chapter 8: Bias in Psychological Assessment and Other Measures
Jeanne A. Teresi and Richard N. Jones
Chapter 9: Test Development Strategies
Neal M. Kingston, Sylvia T. Scheuring, and Laura B. Kramer
Chapter 10: Item Banking, Test Development, and Test Delivery
David J. Weiss
Chapter 11: Scaling, Norming and Equating
Michael J. Kolen and Amy B. Hendrickson
Chapter 12: Basic Issues in the Measurement of Change
John J. McArdle and John J. Prindle
Chapter 13: The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Daniel R. Eignor
Chapter 14: Technical Reporting, Documentation, and the Evaluation of Tests
Jane Close Conoley, Collie W. Conoley, and Rafael Julio Corvera Hernandez
Chapter 15: Ethics in Psychological Testing and Assessment
Frederick T. L. Leong, Yong Sue Park, and Mark M. Leach
Chapter 16: The Importance of Editorial Reviews in Ensuring Item Quality
Cathy Wendler and Jeremy Burrus
Chapter 17: Fairness Review in Assessment
Michael J. Zieky
Part II: Types of Testing
Chapter 18: Objective Testing of Educational Achievement
Michael C. Rodriguez and Thomas M. Haladyna
Chapter 19: Objective Personality Testing
Samuel E. Krug
Chapter 20: Performance Assessment in
Suzanne Lane
Chapter 21: Language Testing: History, Validity, Policy
Tim McNamara
Part III: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Chapter 22: Assessment in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: An Overview
John P. Campbell
Chapter 23: Work Analysis for Assessment
Juan I. Sanchez and Edward L. Levine
Chapter 24: Thinking at Work: Intelligence, Critical Thinking, Job Knowledge, and Reasoning
Nathan R. Kuncel and Adam S. Beatty
Chapter 25: Biographical Information
Neal Schmitt and Juliya Golubovich
Chapter 26: Assessment of Leadership
Nancy T. Tippins
Chapter 27: Understanding and Improving Employee Selection Interviews
Robert L. Dipboye and Stefanie K. Johnson
Chapter 28: Personality Measurement and Use in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Leaetta M. Hough and Brian S. Connelly
Chapter 29: Work Sample Tests
George C. Thornton III and Uma Kedharnath
Chapter 30: Situational Judgment Measures
Robert E. Ployhart and Anna-Katherine Ward
Chapter 31: Holistic Assessment for Selection and Placement
Scott Highhouse and John A. Kostek
Chapter 32: Employment Testing and Assessment in Multinational Organizations
Eugene Burke, Carly Vaughan, and Ray Glennon
Chapter 33: Performance Appraisal
Kevin R. Murphy and Paige J. Deckert
Chapter 34: Implementing Organizational Surveys
Paul M. Connolly
Chapter 35: Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Concepts, Measurement, and Nomological Network
Deniz S. Ones and Stephan Dilchert
Chapter 36: Stereotype Threat in Workplace Assessments
Ann Marie Ryan and Paul R. Sackett
Chapter 37: Job Satisfaction and Other Job Attitudes
Reeshad S. Dalal and Marcus Credé
Chapter 38: Legal Issues in Industrial Testing and Assessment
Paul J. Hanges, Elizabeth D. Salmon, and Juliet R. Aiken
Volume 2: Testing and Assessment in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Editorial Board
Part I: General Issues in Testing and Assessment in Professional Psychology
Chapter 1: Clinical and Counseling Testing
Janet F. Carlson
Chapter 2: The Assessment Process
Sara Maltzman
Chapter 3: Communicating Test Results
Virginia Smith Harvey
Chapter 4: The Clinical Versus Mechanical Prediction Controversy
William M. Grove and Scott I. Vrieze
Chapter 5: Education and Training in Assessment for Professional Psychology: Engaging the "Reluctant Student"
Beth E. Haverkamp
Chapter 6: Legal Issues in Clinical and Counseling Testing and Assessment
Elizabeth V. Swenson
Part II: Clinical and Health Psychology
Chapter 7: The Clinical Interview
Katie L. Sharp, Alexander J. Williams, Kathleen T. Rhyner, and Stephen S. Ilardi
Chapter 8: Assessment of Intellectual Functioning in Adults
Phillip L. Ackerman
Chapter 9: Assessment of Neuropsychological Functioning
Antonio E. Puente and Antonio N. Puente
Chapter 10: Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology With Performance-Based Measures
Irving B. Weiner
Chapter 11: Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology With Self-Report Inventories
James N. Butcher, Shawn Bubany, and Shawn N. Mason
Chapter 12: Clinical Assessment: A Multicultural Perspective
Lisa A. Suzuki, Mineko Anne Onoue, and Jill S. Hill
Chapter 13: Psychological Assessment in Treatment
Michael J. Lambert and David A. Vermeersch
Chapter 14: Psychological Assessment in Adult Mental Health Settings
Sandra L. Horn, Joni L. Mihura, and Gregory J. Meyer
Chapter 15: Psychological Assessment in Child Mental Health Settings
Christopher T. Barry, Paul J. Frick, and Randy W. Kamphaus
Chapter 16: Psychological Assessment in Forensic Contexts
Kirk Heilbrun and Stephanie Brooks Holliday
Chapter 17: Psychological Assessment in Medical Settings
Elizabeth M. Altmaier and Benjamin A. Tallman
Chapter 18: Outcomes Assessment in Health Settings
Mark E. Maruish
Part III: Counseling Psychology
Chapter 19: Assessments of Interests
Bryan J. Dik and Patrick J. Rottinghaus
Chapter 20: Assessment of Career Development and Maturity
Jane L. Swanson
Chapter 21: Assessment of Needs and Values
Melanie E. Leuty
Chapter 22: Assessment of Self-Efficacy
Nancy E. Betz
Chapter 23: Assessment of Ethnic Identity and Acculturation
Moin Syed
Chapter 24: Assessment of Personality in Counseling Settings
Margit I. Berman and Sueyoung L. Song
Chapter 25: Assessments of Perceived Racial Stereotypes, Discrimination, and Racism
Hyung Chol Yoo and Stephanie T. Pituc
Chapter 26: Therapeutic Assessment: Using Psychological Testing as Brief Therapy
Stephen E. Finn and Hale Martin
Chapter 27: Assessment of Gender-Related Traits, Attitudes, Roles, Norms, Identity, and Experiences
Bonnie Moradi and Mike C. Parent
Chapter 28: Assessing Meaning and Quality Of Life
Michael F. Steger
Chapter 29: Assessment in Rehabilitation Psychology
Jennifer E. Stevenson, Kathleen B. Kortte, Cynthia F. Salorio, and Daniel E. Rohe
Chapter 30: Assessment in Occupational Health Psychology
Jo-Ida C. Hansen
Chapter 31: Assessment in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Todd J. Wilkinson
Chapter 32: Psychological Assessment with Older Adults
Tammi Vacha-Haase
Chapter 33: Assessment in Marriage and Family Counseling
Cindy I. Carlson, Lauren S. Krumholz, and Douglas K. Snyder
Chapter 34: Assessment in Custody Hearings: Child Custody Evaluations
H. Elizabeth King
Volume 3: Testing and Assessment in School Psychology and Education
Editorial Board
Part I: School Psychology
Chapter 1: Psychological Assessment by School Psychologists: Opportunities and Challenges of a Changing Landscape
Jack A. Naglieri
Chapter 2: Preschool Assessment
Janet E. Panter and Bruce A. Bracken
Chapter 3: Assessment of Intellectual Functioning in Children
John O. Willis, Ron Dumont, and Alan S. Kaufman
Chapter 4: Assessing Intelligence Nonverbally
R. Steve McCallum
Chapter 5: Individual Assessment of Academic Achievement
Nancy Mather and Bashir Abu-Hamour
Chapter 6: Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Assessment of Children
Bridget V. Dever and Randy W. Kamphaus
Chapter 7: Dynamic Assessment
Carol Robinson-Zañartu and Jerry Carlson
Chapter 8: Curricular Assessment
Tanya L. Eckert, Adrea J. Truckenmiller, Jennifer L. Rymanowski, Jennifer L. Koehler, Elizabeth A. Koenig, and Bridget O. Hier
Chapter 9: Adaptive Behavior: Its History, Concepts, Assessment, and Applications
Thomas Oakland and Matthew Daley
Chapter 10: Testing for Language Competence in Children and Adolescents
Giselle B. Esquivel and Maria Acevedo
Chapter 11: Test Use with Children Across Cultures: A View From Three Countries
Thomas Oakland, Solange Muglia Wechsler, and Kobus Maree
Chapter 12: Legal Issues in School Psychological Assessments
Matthew K. Burns, David C. Parker, and Susan Jacob
Part II: Educational Testing and Measurement
Chapter 13: The Assessment of Aptitude
Steven E. Stemler and Robert J. Sternberg
Chapter 14: College, Graduate and Professional School Admissions Testing
Wayne Camara, Sheryl Packman, and Andrew Wiley
Chapter 15: Assessment in Higher Education: Admissions and Outcomes
Diane F. Halpern and Heather A. Butler
Chapter 16: Achievement Testing in K–12 Education
Carina McCormick
Chapter 17: Testing of English Language Learner Students
Jamal Abedi
Chapter 18: Considerations for Achievement Testing of Students With Individual Needs
Rebecca Kopriva and Craig A. Albers
Chapter 19: Licensure and Certification Testing
Mark R. Raymond and Richard M. Luecht
Chapter 20: Evaluating Teaching and Teachers
Drew H. Gitomer and Courtney A. Bell
Chapter 21: Preparing Examinees for Test Taking
Ruth A. Childs and Pei-Ying Lin
Chapter 22: Standard Setting
Richard J. Tannenbaum and Irvin R. Katz
Chapter 23: Reporting Test Scores in More Meaningful Ways: A Research-Based Approach to Score Report Design
Ronald K. Hambleton and April L. Zenisky
Chapter 24: Multiple Test Forms for Large-Scale Assessments: Making the Real More Ideal via Empirically Verified Assessment
Neil J. Dorans and Michael E. Walker
Chapter 25: Legal Issues in Educational Testing
Christopher P. Borreca, Gail M. Cheramie, and Elizabeth A. Borreca
Part III: Future Directions
Chapter 26: Adapting Tests for Use in Other Languages and Cultures
Kadriye Ercikan and Juliette Lyons-Thomas
Chapter 27: Psychometric Perspectives on Test Fairness: Shrinkage Estimation
Gregory Camilli, Derek C. Briggs, Finbarr C. Sloane, and Ting-Wei Chiu
Chapter 28: Future Directions in Assessment and Testing in Education and Psychology
John Hattie and Heidi Leeson