APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology Volume 1: Test Theory and Testing and Assessment in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Volume 2: Testing and Assessment in Clinical and Counseling Psychology Volume 3: Testing and Assessment in Sc

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Pub. Date: 2013-02-15
Publisher(s): American Psychological Association
List Price: $787.65

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This three-volume handbook is a comprehensive presentation of the theory and application of tests in psychology and education.

It begins with an in-depth portrayal of psychometrics: the quantitative underpinning of testing. It then provides thorough, up-to-date and informative chapters related to five general application areas of testing:
  • industrial/organizational psychology
  • clinical psychology (including health psychology)
  • counseling psychology
  • school psychology
  • educational testing
In each of these five areas, this handbook is probably the most comprehensive review of the use of testing and assessment in the subfield.

Author Biography

Kurt F. Geisinger is currently director of the Buros Center on Testing and W. C. Meierhenry Distinguished University Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He has previously been professor and chair of the Department of Psychology at Fordham University; professor of psychology and dean at the State University of New York at Oswego; professor of psychology and academic vice president at LeMoyne College; and professor of psychology and vice president for academic affairs at the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX. His primary interests lie in validity theory, admissions testing, proper test use, the use of tests with individuals with disabilities, the testing of language minorities, the translation or adaptation of tests from one language and culture to another and outcomes assessment. He has been a board member at large for APA; a representative of the Division of Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics to the APA Council of Representatives; an APA delegate and chair of the Joint Committee on Testing Practices (1992–1996); a member of APA's Committee on Psychological Testing and Assessment; chair of the National Council on Measurement in Education's (NCME's) Professional Development and Training Committee; cochair of NCME's Program Committee (1994); chair of the Graduate Record Examination Board; chair of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Graduate Record Examination; a member of the SAT Advisory Committee; a member and chair of the College Board's Advisory Research Committee; a member of NCME's Ad Hoc Committee to Develop a Code of Ethical Standards Committee; and has served on numerous other ad hoc task forces and panels. He is a fellow of APA, the Association for Psychological Science, and the American Educational Research Association. He is currently editor of Applied Measurement in Education and is currently serving or has served on the editorial committees for the International Journal of Testing, Educational and Psychological Measurement, College Board Review, Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, Psychological Assessment, Practical Assessment: Research and Evaluation, Journal of Educational Research, and Improving College and University Teaching. He has edited or coedited the Psychological Testing of Hispanics, Test Interpretation and Diversity, and High Stakes Testing in Education: Science and Practice in K–12 Settings and the 17th and 18th Mental Measurements Yearbooks and Tests in Print.

Table of Contents

Volume 1: Test Theory and Testing and Assessment in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Editorial Board
About the Editor-in-Chief
Series Preface
Part I: Test Theory
Chapter 1: Psychometric Characteristics of Assessment Procedures: An Overview
Anita M. Hubley and Bruno D. Zumbo
Chapter 2: Reliability
Kurt F. Geisinger
Chapter 3: The Generalizability of Test Scores
Edward W. Wiley, Noreen M. Webb, and Richard J. Shavelson
Chapter 4: Test Validity
Stephen G. Sireci and Tia Sukin
Chapter 5: Factor Analysis of Tests and Items
Li Cai
Chapter 6: Applying Unidimensional Item Response Theory Models to Psychological Data
Steven P. Reise, Tyler M. Moore, and Mark G. Haviland
Chapter 7: Item Analysis
Randall D. Penfield
Chapter 8: Bias in Psychological Assessment and Other Measures
Jeanne A. Teresi and Richard N. Jones
Chapter 9: Test Development Strategies
Neal M. Kingston, Sylvia T. Scheuring, and Laura B. Kramer
Chapter 10: Item Banking, Test Development, and Test Delivery
David J. Weiss
Chapter 11: Scaling, Norming and Equating
Michael J. Kolen and Amy B. Hendrickson
Chapter 12: Basic Issues in the Measurement of Change
John J. McArdle and John J. Prindle
Chapter 13: The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Daniel R. Eignor
Chapter 14: Technical Reporting, Documentation, and the Evaluation of Tests
Jane Close Conoley, Collie W. Conoley, and Rafael Julio Corvera Hernandez
Chapter 15: Ethics in Psychological Testing and Assessment
Frederick T. L. Leong, Yong Sue Park, and Mark M. Leach
Chapter 16: The Importance of Editorial Reviews in Ensuring Item Quality
Cathy Wendler and Jeremy Burrus
Chapter 17: Fairness Review in Assessment
Michael J. Zieky
Part II: Types of Testing
Chapter 18: Objective Testing of Educational Achievement
Michael C. Rodriguez and Thomas M. Haladyna
Chapter 19: Objective Personality Testing
Samuel E. Krug
Chapter 20: Performance Assessment in
Suzanne Lane
Chapter 21: Language Testing: History, Validity, Policy
Tim McNamara
Part III: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Chapter 22: Assessment in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: An Overview
John P. Campbell
Chapter 23: Work Analysis for Assessment
Juan I. Sanchez and Edward L. Levine
Chapter 24: Thinking at Work: Intelligence, Critical Thinking, Job Knowledge, and Reasoning
Nathan R. Kuncel and Adam S. Beatty
Chapter 25: Biographical Information
Neal Schmitt and Juliya Golubovich
Chapter 26: Assessment of Leadership
Nancy T. Tippins
Chapter 27: Understanding and Improving Employee Selection Interviews
Robert L. Dipboye and Stefanie K. Johnson
Chapter 28: Personality Measurement and Use in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Leaetta M. Hough and Brian S. Connelly
Chapter 29: Work Sample Tests
George C. Thornton III and Uma Kedharnath
Chapter 30: Situational Judgment Measures
Robert E. Ployhart and Anna-Katherine Ward
Chapter 31: Holistic Assessment for Selection and Placement
Scott Highhouse and John A. Kostek
Chapter 32: Employment Testing and Assessment in Multinational Organizations
Eugene Burke, Carly Vaughan, and Ray Glennon
Chapter 33: Performance Appraisal
Kevin R. Murphy and Paige J. Deckert
Chapter 34: Implementing Organizational Surveys
Paul M. Connolly
Chapter 35: Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Concepts, Measurement, and Nomological Network
Deniz S. Ones and Stephan Dilchert
Chapter 36: Stereotype Threat in Workplace Assessments
Ann Marie Ryan and Paul R. Sackett
Chapter 37: Job Satisfaction and Other Job Attitudes
Reeshad S. Dalal and Marcus Credé
Chapter 38: Legal Issues in Industrial Testing and Assessment
Paul J. Hanges, Elizabeth D. Salmon, and Juliet R. Aiken

Volume 2: Testing and Assessment in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Editorial Board
Part I: General Issues in Testing and Assessment in Professional Psychology
Chapter 1: Clinical and Counseling Testing
Janet F. Carlson
Chapter 2: The Assessment Process
Sara Maltzman
Chapter 3: Communicating Test Results
Virginia Smith Harvey
Chapter 4: The Clinical Versus Mechanical Prediction Controversy
William M. Grove and Scott I. Vrieze
Chapter 5: Education and Training in Assessment for Professional Psychology: Engaging the "Reluctant Student"
Beth E. Haverkamp
Chapter 6: Legal Issues in Clinical and Counseling Testing and Assessment
Elizabeth V. Swenson
Part II: Clinical and Health Psychology
Chapter 7: The Clinical Interview
Katie L. Sharp, Alexander J. Williams, Kathleen T. Rhyner, and Stephen S. Ilardi
Chapter 8: Assessment of Intellectual Functioning in Adults
Phillip L. Ackerman
Chapter 9: Assessment of Neuropsychological Functioning
Antonio E. Puente and Antonio N. Puente
Chapter 10: Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology With Performance-Based Measures
Irving B. Weiner
Chapter 11: Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology With Self-Report Inventories
James N. Butcher, Shawn Bubany, and Shawn N. Mason
Chapter 12: Clinical Assessment: A Multicultural Perspective
Lisa A. Suzuki, Mineko Anne Onoue, and Jill S. Hill
Chapter 13: Psychological Assessment in Treatment
Michael J. Lambert and David A. Vermeersch
Chapter 14: Psychological Assessment in Adult Mental Health Settings
Sandra L. Horn, Joni L. Mihura, and Gregory J. Meyer
Chapter 15: Psychological Assessment in Child Mental Health Settings
Christopher T. Barry, Paul J. Frick, and Randy W. Kamphaus
Chapter 16: Psychological Assessment in Forensic Contexts
Kirk Heilbrun and Stephanie Brooks Holliday
Chapter 17: Psychological Assessment in Medical Settings
Elizabeth M. Altmaier and Benjamin A. Tallman
Chapter 18: Outcomes Assessment in Health Settings
Mark E. Maruish
Part III: Counseling Psychology
Chapter 19: Assessments of Interests
Bryan J. Dik and Patrick J. Rottinghaus
Chapter 20: Assessment of Career Development and Maturity
Jane L. Swanson
Chapter 21: Assessment of Needs and Values
Melanie E. Leuty
Chapter 22: Assessment of Self-Efficacy
Nancy E. Betz
Chapter 23: Assessment of Ethnic Identity and Acculturation
Moin Syed
Chapter 24: Assessment of Personality in Counseling Settings
Margit I. Berman and Sueyoung L. Song
Chapter 25: Assessments of Perceived Racial Stereotypes, Discrimination, and Racism
Hyung Chol Yoo and Stephanie T. Pituc
Chapter 26: Therapeutic Assessment: Using Psychological Testing as Brief Therapy
Stephen E. Finn and Hale Martin
Chapter 27: Assessment of Gender-Related Traits, Attitudes, Roles, Norms, Identity, and Experiences
Bonnie Moradi and Mike C. Parent
Chapter 28: Assessing Meaning and Quality Of Life
Michael F. Steger
Chapter 29: Assessment in Rehabilitation Psychology
Jennifer E. Stevenson, Kathleen B. Kortte, Cynthia F. Salorio, and Daniel E. Rohe
Chapter 30: Assessment in Occupational Health Psychology
Jo-Ida C. Hansen
Chapter 31: Assessment in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Todd J. Wilkinson
Chapter 32: Psychological Assessment with Older Adults
Tammi Vacha-Haase
Chapter 33: Assessment in Marriage and Family Counseling
Cindy I. Carlson, Lauren S. Krumholz, and Douglas K. Snyder
Chapter 34: Assessment in Custody Hearings: Child Custody Evaluations
H. Elizabeth King

Volume 3: Testing and Assessment in School Psychology and Education
Editorial Board
Part I: School Psychology
Chapter 1: Psychological Assessment by School Psychologists: Opportunities and Challenges of a Changing Landscape
Jack A. Naglieri
Chapter 2: Preschool Assessment
Janet E. Panter and Bruce A. Bracken
Chapter 3: Assessment of Intellectual Functioning in Children
John O. Willis, Ron Dumont, and Alan S. Kaufman
Chapter 4: Assessing Intelligence Nonverbally
R. Steve McCallum
Chapter 5: Individual Assessment of Academic Achievement
Nancy Mather and Bashir Abu-Hamour
Chapter 6: Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Assessment of Children
Bridget V. Dever and Randy W. Kamphaus
Chapter 7: Dynamic Assessment
Carol Robinson-Zañartu and Jerry Carlson
Chapter 8: Curricular Assessment
Tanya L. Eckert, Adrea J. Truckenmiller, Jennifer L. Rymanowski, Jennifer L. Koehler, Elizabeth A. Koenig, and Bridget O. Hier
Chapter 9: Adaptive Behavior: Its History, Concepts, Assessment, and Applications
Thomas Oakland and Matthew Daley
Chapter 10: Testing for Language Competence in Children and Adolescents
Giselle B. Esquivel and Maria Acevedo
Chapter 11: Test Use with Children Across Cultures: A View From Three Countries
Thomas Oakland, Solange Muglia Wechsler, and Kobus Maree
Chapter 12: Legal Issues in School Psychological Assessments
Matthew K. Burns, David C. Parker, and Susan Jacob
Part II: Educational Testing and Measurement
Chapter 13: The Assessment of Aptitude
Steven E. Stemler and Robert J. Sternberg
Chapter 14: College, Graduate and Professional School Admissions Testing
Wayne Camara, Sheryl Packman, and Andrew Wiley
Chapter 15: Assessment in Higher Education: Admissions and Outcomes
Diane F. Halpern and Heather A. Butler
Chapter 16: Achievement Testing in K–12 Education
Carina McCormick
Chapter 17: Testing of English Language Learner Students
Jamal Abedi
Chapter 18: Considerations for Achievement Testing of Students With Individual Needs
Rebecca Kopriva and Craig A. Albers
Chapter 19: Licensure and Certification Testing
Mark R. Raymond and Richard M. Luecht
Chapter 20: Evaluating Teaching and Teachers
Drew H. Gitomer and Courtney A. Bell
Chapter 21: Preparing Examinees for Test Taking
Ruth A. Childs and Pei-Ying Lin
Chapter 22: Standard Setting
Richard J. Tannenbaum and Irvin R. Katz
Chapter 23: Reporting Test Scores in More Meaningful Ways: A Research-Based Approach to Score Report Design
Ronald K. Hambleton and April L. Zenisky
Chapter 24: Multiple Test Forms for Large-Scale Assessments: Making the Real More Ideal via Empirically Verified Assessment
Neil J. Dorans and Michael E. Walker
Chapter 25: Legal Issues in Educational Testing
Christopher P. Borreca, Gail M. Cheramie, and Elizabeth A. Borreca
Part III: Future Directions
Chapter 26: Adapting Tests for Use in Other Languages and Cultures
Kadriye Ercikan and Juliette Lyons-Thomas
Chapter 27: Psychometric Perspectives on Test Fairness: Shrinkage Estimation
Gregory Camilli, Derek C. Briggs, Finbarr C. Sloane, and Ting-Wei Chiu
Chapter 28: Future Directions in Assessment and Testing in Education and Psychology
John Hattie and Heidi Leeson

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