Asia A Concise History

Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2011-08-30
Publisher(s): Wiley
List Price: $29.95

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Utterly unique in offering an overview of Asian history in a single volume, this study at long last provides the general reader with a means of understanding the heritage of a continent in which the majority of mankind resides. It traces the emergence of the world's very first civilization in Mesopotamia around 3000 BC, through the rise and fall of ancient great powers like Assyria and Persia; then marvels at the richness and diversity of the medieval states which flourished after the advent of Islam; and finally explores the modern transformation triggered by the lightning conquests of imperial Japan. The great events and figures of Asian history are discussed along with the monumental remains which bear witness to their times: the ziggurats of Iraq, the Ajanta caves, the mosques of Isfahan, the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the temple complex of Angkor, and the sacred monument of Borobodur.

Author Biography

Arthur Cotterell, currently residing in England, was a former Principal of Kingston College in London. He has spent many years combining senior educational management with historical research. Arthur currently spends most of his time on writing, and travels extensively throughout Asia.
Arthur is the respected author of more than thirty books. His most recent publications include, The Imperial Capitals of China, Leadership and Chariot.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Introductionp. xiii
List of Mapsp. xx
Photo Creditsp. xxi
Ancient Asiap. 1
Ancient West Asiap. 3
The First Civilisation: Sumerp. 3
The Great Empires: Babylon, Assyria and Persiap. 12
Understanding the World: Religion and Mythp. 21
Endgame: Greco-Roman Europe Versus Persian Asiap. 30
Ancient South Asiap. 41
Asia's Second Civilisation: The Indus Valleyp. 41
Epic India: The Aryan Invasionp. 49
The Buddhist Revolution: The Mauryan Empirep. 55
The Age of Invasion: From the Bactrians to the Hunsp. 64
Ancient East Asiap. 74
The Cradle of the East: The Shang Dynastyp. 74
Classical China: The Zhou Dynastyp. 82
Imperial Unification: The Qin and Former Han Emperorsp. 90
Imperial Crisis: The Failure of the Later Hanp. 100
Ancient Central Asiap. 107
The Steppe: An Intercontinental Highwayp. 107
Nomads: The Scourge of the Sownp. 116
The Spread of Buddhism: The First Pan-Asian Faithp. 126
The Great Raid: Attila the Hunp. 135
Medieval Asiap. 141
Medieval West Asiap. 143
Islam: The Second Pan-Asian Faithp. 143
The Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphatesp. 151
The Coming of the Seljuksp. 157
The Crusadesp. 161
Safavid Persiap. 166
The Ottoman Empirep. 171
Medieval South Asiap. 178
The Arrival of Islamp. 178
The Hindu and Buddhist Kingdomsp. 186
The Mughal Empirep. 192
European Rivalryp. 202
The British Triumphp. 210
Medieval East Asiap. 213
Tang and Song Chinap. 213
Confucian Koreap. 225
Feudal Japanp. 230
The Ming Revivalp. 239
Medieval Central Asiap. 246
The Turks and the Qidansp. 246
The Tibetan Empirep. 251
The Mongol Empirep. 256
Tamerlane, the Sword of Islamp. 267
The Manchu Conquestsp. 271
Medieval Southeast Asiap. 277
Independent Vietnamp. 277
The Khmer Empirep. 282
The Kingdoms of Burmap. 289
The Island Powers: Srivijaya, Mataram and Majapahitp. 293
The Slow Spread of Islamp. 300
The Advent of European Powerp. 302
The Rise of the Thaip. 307
Modern Asiap. 315
Modern West Asiap. 317
The Fall of the Ottoman Empirep. 317
Between World Warsp. 322
The Founding of Israelp. 327
Syria, Lebanon and Jordanp. 328
Iraq versus Iranp. 330
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Statesp. 335
Modern Turkeyp. 336
Modern South Asiap. 339
The British Rajp. 339
The Indian Mutinyp. 344
The End of Company Rulep. 351
Gandhi and Indian Nationalismp. 353
Independence and Partitionp. 358
Sri Lanka and Bangladeshp. 360
Modern East Asiap. 363
China's Humiliationp. 363
Japanese Imperialismp. 369
The People's Republic of Chinap. 378
The Korean Warp. 382
The Rise of the Pacific Rimp. 384
Modern Central Asiap. 386
The Russian Advancep. 386
The Great Gamep. 393
Afghanistan, the Land of Bonesp. 397
Siberia and Mongoliap. 400
The Central Asian Republicsp. 403
Modern Southeast Asiap. 407
The Dutch East Indiesp. 407
The British Possessionsp. 410
French Indochina and Thailandp. 415
The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Spherep. 419
Post-War Decolonisationp. 423
The Republic of Indonesiap. 427
The Tragedy of Vietnamp. 430
Filipino Democracyp. 434
Postscript: The Rise of Present-Day Asiap. 437
Glossaryp. 441
Further Readingp. 444
Indexp. 453
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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