This is a photographic celebration of nostalgia, particularly for Baby Boomers, 114,000 of whom follow the ‘Australia Remember When’ Facebook page. Remember Mike Willesee’s A Current Affair from the ‘70s? Remember takeaway fish and chips with lots of salt and vinegar, and Dad carefully dividing a brick of ice cream into equal portions to go with Mum’s homemade preserved peaches? Take a wonderfully sentimental trip down memory lane with Bob Byrne as he shows us bits of Australia we’d forgotten, identities and landmarks we loved, and let him remind us that some of the best things about Australia haven’t changed. Including the best of Bob Byrne’s hit Facebook page and much more, this book will be a trip back in time which will at once bring a smile to your face, cause a lump in your throat, and bring a tear to your eye.
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Author Biography
Bob Byrne commenced his career in radio over 40 years ago as a music deejay, later turning to talk and current affairs. He currently writes a popular nostalgia column in the Adelaide Advertiser.
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