Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs

Edition: 7th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-06-15
Publisher(s): Barrons Educational Series Inc
List Price: $16.99

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Customer Reviews

Great Book   April 19, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

This textbook is definitely a great buy. It doesn't have EVERY verb (obviously) but it has the most used and important. Very nicely lay out. CDROM is for students just starting to learn Spanish with mostly basic concepts explained. I recommend this cheap textbook for all Spanish learners and ecampus for purchasing, I bought a lot of stuff from ecampus and they always deliver it fast and in great condition. I have never had any problems with ecampus.

Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


The world's bestselling Spanish verbs reference book has just gotten better!

The authors focus directly on a command of Spanish verbs--and fluency in Spanish starts with knowledge of verbs. This new seventh edition shows students and travelers exactly how to use the 501 most common and useful Spanish verbs in all 15 tenses and moods. Each verb is alphabetically listed in easy-to-follow chart form, one verb per page with its English translation. Enclosed with the book are two discs, a CD-ROM with language-learning aids, and an audio CD that reviews the formation and usage of Spanish verb forms.

New features include:

-Formation and usage of Spanish verb tenses and moods summarized as they relate to their English equivalents

-The 55 most essential Spanish verbs used in context

-Another 2,200 regular verbs conjugated like the book's 501 model verbs

-Verbs in idiomatic phrases

-Passive and active voice formations

-Sentences demonstrating Spanish verb usage in all tenses

-Exercises in Spanish verb usage with answers

-Appendixes covering impersonal verbs, weather expressions, and English-Spanish verb index . . .and more

501 Spanish Verbs plus software--the best language learning program of its kind!

It's a must have for language classes, a self-teaching guide for international travelers, and a handy reference volume for translators. In addition to the 501 verb tables the book with software includes a wealth of additional features to help students develop a truly comprehensive command of Spanish for speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension. There's a reason other publishers imitate Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs. After almost 50 years on the market, Barron's verb books are still the best. Choose the original!


Enclosed with each book


It's filled with sentence completion exercises, dialogue exercises, word completion exercises, word puzzles, and more. Barron's CD-ROM is more adaptable than those from other publishers because you can download it on any PC® or Mac®.

Brand-New with This Edition--an Audio CD

It emphasizes Spanish pronunciation and listening comprehension. Here's an audio feature that presents the true sound of spoken Spanish.

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