Barron's AP Calculus

by ; ;
Edition: Yearly Ed.
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2019-08-06
Publisher(s): Barrons Educational Services
List Price: $18.99

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Be prepared for exam day with Barron’s. Trusted content from AP experts!

Barron’s AP Calculus AB & BC: 2020-2021 includes in-depth content review and practice for both AB and BC exams. It’s the only book you’ll need to be prepared for exam day.

Written by Experienced Educators
  • Learn from Barron’s--all content is written and reviewed by AP experts
  • Build your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent exams
  • Get a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day--it’s like having a trusted tutor by your side
Be Confident on Exam Day
  • Sharpen your test-taking skills with 8 full-length practice tests (4 AB practice tests and 4 BC practice tests), including a diagnostic AB test and a diagnostic BC test to target your studying
  • Strengthen your knowledge with in-depth review covering all Units on the AP Calculus AB Exam and all Units on the AP Calculus BC Exam
  • Reinforce your learning with practice questions at the end of each chapter

Author Biography

About the Authors
David Bock taught AP Calculus during his 35 years at Ithaca High School, and served for several years as an Exam Reader for the College Board. He also taught mathematics at Tompkins-Cortland Community College, Ithaca College, and Cornell University. A recipient of several local, state, and national teaching awards, Dave has coauthored five textbooks, and now leads workshops for AP teachers.

Dennis Donovan teaches AP Calculus AB and BC and AP Statistics at Xaverian Brothers High School in Westwood, MA. He is a College Board consultant for AP Calculus and presents one-day and two-day workshops and leads AP Summer Institutes. He is a grader for the AP Calculus Exam. He is also a T3 Regional Instructor concentrating on the TI-Nspire.

About the Publisher
In the 1930s, Manuel H. Barron opened a bookstore in Brooklyn, New York. 

People from the community asked Mr. Barron about books that might be available to help their children study for the New York State Regents exams. After realizing there wasn't anything available, Mr. Barron's created his own study guides.

80 years later, Barron's has helped millions of people prepare for their next step.

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