For over 20 years, Breedlove & Watson's Behavioral Neuroscience has successfully presented the most current research through an engaging narrative, strong clinical examples, an exceptional visual approach to the content, and an authoritative introduction to the field.
Written for the first course in biopsychology and neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroscience 10th Edition by Marc Breedlove and Neil Watson provides a strong foundation for understanding neural functioning and brain-behavior relations.
Using stellar examples of today's most exciting research, an unparalleled art program that clarifies complex biological processes, and visual summaries that remind students of the principle findings presented in each chapter, Behavioral Neuroscience helps introductory neuroscience and behavioral neuroscience understand the dynamic and exciting field of neuroscience.
Behavorial Neuroscience is available with Oxford Insight. Oxford Insight pairs best-in-class OUP content with curated
media resources, activities, and gradable assessment, in a guided learning environment that delivers performance
analytics, drives student engagement, and improves student outcomes.
List Price: $226.12
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