BRAND Is a four letter Word : Positioning and the Real Art of Marketing

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2012-04-15
Publisher(s): Ingram Pub Services
List Price: $25.99

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Brand is the most abused and misusedword in the marketing lexicon. As a verb, brand is a four-letter word. Unless you're a rancher, there's no such thing as branding. Brand is a noun and, unlike Google, should never be used as a verb. Brand is the prize, but the actual work to be done is positioning, the art of which sits at the heart of marketing. This is a book about positioning.

Table of Contents

Opening Rantp. 13
Brand Is a Four-Letter Wordp. 23
An Introductionp. 25
Brand (Double) Speakp. 30
What the Hell is a Brand Anyway?p. 38
Great Brands Are Built from the Insidep. 44
Want a Great Brand? Build a Great Productp. 52
A Brand is a Response, Not a Stimulusp. 55
Position Is An Eight-Letter Wordp. 59
Differentiation-Often Discussed, Seldom Achievedp. 60
Difference Must Be More Than Skin Deepp. 63
Eccentricity Rulesp. 68
Differentiated Advantagep. 71
The Importance of the Missionary Positionp. 73
Don't Be a Prisonerp. 78
Invent, Don't Constructp. 81
Love Me or Hate Me-Just Don't Like Mep. 84
Position Narrow, Catch Widep. 88
Own Somethingp. 92
Niche is Not a Four-Letter Wordp. 95
The Joys of Disruptionp. 99
The Disposable Strategyp. 102
Positioning Happensp. 105
Find Your Differencep. 107
Brand Architecture-A Positioning Puzzlep. 110
The Non-Sense of Positioningp. 113
Marketing is a Nine-Letter Word: (A Random Walk Through a Marketer's Mind-In Six Parts)p. 121
Thoughts You Can Use Tomorrowp. 122
Build Critical Marketing Massp. 123
Stop Thinking Outside the Boxp. 127
Changep. 130
Find the Flowp. 133
Think Before You Blinkp. 136
Build an Experiencep. 140
Make Yourself Famousp. 144
Thoughts on the Customerp. 147
The Consumer is Deadp. 148
Your Customer is a Cynicp. 151
Saints and Sinnersp. 153
Customers Not Marketing Advisorsp. 156
Thoughts on Researchp. 160
Are You Feeling It?p. 161
Drowning in Informationp. 164
The Importance of Whyp. 166
I Like to Watchp. 168
Do You Know How High is Up?p. 171
Thoughts on Communicating That Positionp. 174
Keep It Realp. 175
What's Your Back-Story?p. 178
Attention-The New Brand Currencyp. 181
The Dollar Value of Creativityp. 184
A Nod to David Ogilvyp. 188
Assume You'll Only Get One Shotp. 190
Advertising-And the Need for Radical Re-engineeringp. 192
Thoughts on the New World Orderp. 196
Marketing in a World of Ubiquitous Informationp. 197
It Takes a Village to Raise a Brandp. 201
The Truth Will Win Out-Sooner Not Laterp. 203
Catch a Virusp. 206
Market to the Brand Broadcasterp. 209
Just Thoughtsp. 212
Marketing is Judo Not Karatep. 213
If It's Not Important Enough to Win, You'll Losep. 216
Sir Isaac's First Lawp. 220
Sir Isaac's Second Lawp. 223
Stop Fixing Thingsp. 226
The Brand Hijackp. 228
Be Careful with the Brand Keysp. 232
The New ROI-Return on Imaginationp. 234
Scenario-Based Planning-An Idiot's Guidep. 237
Simplicity-The Ultimate Sophisticationp. 240
Our Infatuation with Coolp. 242
Technology Marketing-It's Different Out Therep. 245
Positioning Youp. 250
Conclusionp. 252
A User's Guide to the Users Guidep. 254
About the Authorp. 269
Indexp. 271
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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