British Women's Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century Authorship, Politics and History

by ;
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2005-11-29
Publisher(s): Palgrave Macmillan
List Price: $109.99

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British Women's Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century highlights the ways in which women writers were key to the creation of the worlds of politics and letters in the period, reading the possibilities and limits of their engagement in those worlds as more complex and nuanced than earlier paradigms would suggest.

Author Biography

Cora Kaplan is Professor of English at the University of Southampton. Jennie Batchelor is Lecturer in English at the University of Kent.

Table of Contents

List of Figures
Acknowledgements viii
Notes on the Contributors ix
Introduction 1(16)
Jennie Batchelor
Cora Kaplan
Part I Authorship and Print Culture
Woman's Work: Labour, Gender and Authorship in the Novels of Sarah Scott
Jennie Batchelor
Anna Seward: Swan, Duckling or Goose?
Norma Clarke
Spectral Texts in Mansfield Park
Katie Halsey
Romantic Patronage: Mary Robinson and Coleridge Revisited
Judith Hawley
Ivory Miniatures and the Art of Jane Austen
Janet Todd
Mansfield Park -- What did Jane Austen Really Write? The Texts of 1814 and 1816
Brian Southam
Part II History and Politics
`Thou monarch of my Panting Soul': Hobbesian Obligation and the Durability of Romance in Aphra Behn's Love-Letters
Helen Thompson
British Women Write the East after 1750: Revisiting a `Feminine' Orient
Felicity A. Nussbaum
`Tied To Their Species By The Strongest Of All Relations': Mary Wollstonecraft and the Rewriting of Race as Sensibility
Moi Rickman
Hannah More and Conservative Feminism
Harriet Guest
Chawton House: Gathering Old Books for a New Library
Isobel Grundy
Index 187

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