Building Classroom Discipline

Edition: 10th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-01-03
Publisher(s): Pearson
List Price: $92.20

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Customer Reviews

Helpful book  July 27, 2011
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As this was the third class I have taken in my college career going toward my Master's Degree in Elementary Education. I would highly recommend this textbook it provides several different models for you to review and as long as you remember that you can always that you don't have to agree with everyone you should be fine. The textbook I ordered was exactly the same as what they had listed. I am very pleased with them and will order other books, if possible, in the future.

Building Classroom Discipline: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


The leading text in the field, this book analyzes the contributions of the leading authorities in discipline, to show how their theories and systems can be used by teachers to create structures of positive discipline.

This classic text has been reconceptualized and restructured by the author to include Increased emphasis on teachers and students working together cooperatively to maintain classrooms that are safe, enjoyable, and productive. Better discussion of the behavior patterns of students from various ethnic, cultural, and societal groups.

Information for understanding and working productively with students with Neurological Based Behavior (NBB). A clear progression of advances in classroom discipline over the past six decades, helping readers better understand the rationales and procedures featured in today's approaches to discipline. Presentation and analysis of strategies that help students conduct themselves with greater civility, responsibility, and moral intelligence.

Building Classroom Discipline analyzes 18 models of school discipline developed by educational thinkers over the past 60 years and shows how they can be applied in realistic situations. A unique contribution of the text is that the present-day theorists listed also coordinate with Professor Charles to ensure accuracy in the presentation of their models. Teachers are motivated to create a structure of positive discipline based on the most effective elements from traditional and current disciplinary approaches.

Author Biography

C. M. Charles was a public school teacher from 1953 to 1959, then moved into higher education and held positions at the University of New Mexico, Teachers College Columbia University, Pepperdine University, Universidade Federal do Maranhao (Brazil), and San Diego State University, where he is now professor emeritus. At San Diego State, Charles directed innovative programs in teacher education and five times received outstanding professor and distinguished teaching awards. He also served on several occasions as advisor in teacher education and curriculum to the governments of Peru and Brazil. Charles has authored or co-authored numerous books that have attracted wide audiences in the United States and abroad, with translations into several foreign languages. Those dealing most directly with school discipline are Teachers ' Petit Piaget (1972); The Synergetic Classroom: Joyful Teaching and Gentle Discipline (2000); Essential Elements of Effective Discipline (2002); Classroom Management for Middle Grades Teachers (2004); Elementary Classroom Management (5th edition 2008); Today’s Best Classroom Management Strategies: Paths to Positive Discipline (2008), and  Building Classroom Discipline (10th edition 2011). Charles, who resides in California and Australia, is married and has two children, both teachers.

Table of Contents


New to this Edition

The Primary Purpose of this Book

The Nature of this Book and Primary Audiences

The Chapters and How They Are Presented

Review and Feedback from Authorities

Timeline of Major Contributions in Discipline



Part I. How do I Begin Organizing a System of Discipline that Meets my Needs?


Chapter 1. What is Classroom Discipline and How Do I Encourage Productive Efforts in my Classroom?

A Preview of this Chapter

What to Look for in This Chapter

Professionalism in Teaching and Discipline

Seven Suggestions for Moving Toward Higher Levels of Professionalism

Behavior, Misbehavior, and Discipline

Contrasting the Behavior in Two Classrooms

A Closer Look at Student Misbehavior

Developing a Personalized Approach to Discipline

A Rubric for Planning a Personal System of Discipline

Professional and Philosophical Considerations

Specifics of My Discipline Plan

Communicating the Discipline Plan to Students and Others

For Reflection and Orientation: 20 Groups of Questions about Discipline

Terms and Concepts Emphasized in this Chapter




Chapter 2.How Can I Anticipate My Students’ Behavior, and How do I Recognize and Deal with Factors that Promote Misbehavior?

 A Preview of this Chapter

What to Look for in this Chapter

Typical Behaviors and Interests of Students at Four Levels of Development

Needs, Interests, and Habits that Motivate Behavior (and Misbehavior)

Discussing Needs, Interests, and Habits with your Students

Exploring What Students Need and Want in Teachers and Schools

Socio-cultural Realities that Influence Behavior

Values that are Usually Emphasized in Schools

Areas Where Values May Come into Conflict

Economic Realities that Impinge on Student Behavior

Hidden Rules of Students in Poverty

Why Some Students feel Undervalued and Powerless

General Suggestions for Working with Students from all Societal and Economic Groups

Personal and Environmental Factors that Promote Misbehavior

Conditions that Reside in Individual Students

Conditions that Reside in Class Peers and Groups

Conditions that Reside in Instructional Environments

Conditions that Reside in Teachers and Other School Personnel

Terms Emphasized in this Chapter




Chapter 3.  How do I Recognize and Deal with Atypical Behavior that is Neurological-Based?

A Preview of This Chapter

What to Look for in this Chapter

Overview of Neurological Based Behavior

Scenario 1

Principal Diagnoses Related to Neurological Based Behavior

A Word about Brain Injuries

Indicators of NBB

Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Scenario 2

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Bipolar Disorder

Learning Disabilities (LD)

Scenario 3

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Scenario 4

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Scenario 5


Scenario 6

Medication for Students with Behavioral Issues

Concluding Remarks

Scenario 7

Terms and Concepts Emphasized in this Chapter




Chapter 4. What Are the Foundations that Underlie Today’s Best Systems of Discipline?

A Preview of this Chapter

Understandng Group Dynamics: Fritz Redl and William Wattenberg

Principles of Behavior Shaping: B.F. Skinner

Behavior as Choice: William Glasser

Lesson Management: Jacob Kounin

Congruent Communication: Haim Ginott

Human Needs and Democratic Teaching: Rudolf Dreikurs

Assertive Discipline: Lee and Marlene Canter

Responsibility and Inner Discipline: Barbara Coloroso

Classroom Learning Communities:  Alfie Kohn

Terms Highlighted in this Chapter




Part II. What are Some of Today's Most Outstanding Approaches to Classroom Discipline?


Chapter 5. How Does Ronald Morrish use Purposeful Teacher Guidance to Establish Class Discipline?

A Preview of Morrish’s Approach to Discipline

What to Look for in this Chapter

How and Why Modern Discipline has Gone Wrong

Morrish’s Solution—Real Discipline

Maxims Regarding the Mindset for Real Discipline

The Three-Phase Approach to Real Discipline

Phase 1. Training for Compliance

Phase 2. Teaching Students How to Behave

Phase 3. Managing Student Choice

Planning and Implementing the Discipline Program

Developing Teacher-Student Relationships

Consequences in Real Discipline

About Motivation and Rewards

Don’t Promote Self-Indulgence

When Students Fail to Comply

Summary Rubric for Applying Real Discipline in the Classroom

Terms Emphasized in this Chapter

Concept Cases

You Are the Teacher




Chapter 6. How Do Harry and Rosemary Wong use Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline?

A Preview of this Chapter

What to Look for in This Chapter

A Quick Read of The Wongs’s Principal Suggestions

About Roles and Responsibilities

About Classrooms and Procedures

About School

About Teaching

About Testing and Evaluation

About Discipline

About The First Day of Class

About The First Week of Teaching

A Discipline Plan

Planning and Organizing

Procedures, and What They Entail

Examples of Procedures in a Fourth Grade Classroom

How to Begin a Class Successfully

The First Five Minutes are Critical

The First Day of School

The First Ten Days of School

Procedures for Cooperative Work Groups

A Word to Secondary Teachers

Summary Rubric for Applying The Wong’s Suggestions in the Classroom

Concept Cases

You Are The Teacher




Chapter 7. How Does Fred Jones Establish Class Discipline by Keeping Students Responsibly Involved?

A Preview of Jones’s Approach to Discipline

What to Look for in this Chapter

Problems that Jones brought to Light

 Massive Time Wasting

 Student Passivity.


 Helpless Handraising.

 Ineffective Nagging.

Jones’s Conclusions about What Effective Teachers Do

 Conserve Time and Don’t Allow Students to waste it.

 Clearly Communicate They Mean Business.

Place Clearly-Defined Limits on Behavior.

 Keep Students Actively Engaged in Learning.

IIncrease Student Motivation and Responsibility through Judicious use of Incentives.

 Provide Help Efficiently During Independent Work.

Jones’s Study Group Activity

Summary Rubric for Implementing Jones’s Approach in the Classroom

Special Terms in Jones’s Approach

Concept Cases

You Are the Teacher




Chapter 8. How does William Glasser use Choice Theory and Quality Education to Establish Class Discipline?

A Preview of Glasser’s Approach to Discipline

Glasser’s Long-Lasting Influence

Major Concepts in Glasser’s Noncoercive Discipline

Further Clarification of Glasser's Noncoercive Discipline

Meeting Students’ Needs

Quality Curriculum

Quality Teaching

More on Lead Teaching

Choice Theory Applied to the Classroom

The Relation of Quality Teaching to Discipline

When Rules Are Broken

Moving Toward Quality Classrooms

Eliminating The Seven Deadly Habits

Emphasizing the Seven Connecting Habits

Gaining the Benefits of Quality Classrooms

Summary Rubric for Implementing Glasser's Ideas in the Classroom

Terms and Concepts Emphasized in this Chapter

Concept Cases

You Are The Teacher




Chapter 9. How does Spencer Kagan Use Structures and Teacher-Student Same-Side Collaboration to Establish Class Discipline?

A Preview of Kagan’s Approach to Discipline

What to Look for in this Chapter

Win-Win Discipline Overall

Goal, Elements, and Procedures

The ABCD of Disruptive Behavior

Student Positions and their Effect

Structures, Application, and Timing

More on Structures for the Moment of Disruption

More on Structures for Follow-Up

More on Structures for Long-Term Success

More on Structures for Promoting Life Skills

Intervention Strategies for Types of Misbehavior

For attention seeking behavior

For attempts to avoid failure or embarrassment

For being angry

For control-seeking

For overly energetic students

For bored students

For uninformed students

Parent and Community Alliances and Schoolwide Programs

Establishing Win-Win Discipline in the Classroom

Brief Review of Win-Win Discipline

Summary Rubric for Applying Win-Win Discipline

Special Terminology in Win-Win Discipline

Concept Cases

You Are the Teacher




Chapter 10. How Does Marvin Marshall Establish Discipline by Activating Internal Motivation and Raising Student Responsibility?

A Preview of Marshall’s Approach to Discipline

What to Look for in this Chapter

Ten Practices that Damage Teaching and How They can be Corrected

The Power of Internal Motivation

Two Ways of Managing People

Marshall’s Hierarchy of Social Development

Value of the Hierarchy

Teaching the Hierarchy to Students

25 Tactics Useful in Stimulating Students to Behave Responsibly

How to Intervene when Students Misbehave

Summary of the Marvin Marshall Teaching Model

Self-Evaluation for Teachers

Summary Rubric for Applying Marshall’s System in the Classroom

Terms and Concepts Emphasized in this Chapter

Concept Cases

You Are the Teacher




Chapter 11. How Does Craig Seganti Use Positive Teacher Leverage and Realistic Student Accountability to Establish Class Discipline?

A Preview of Seganti’s Approach to Discipline

What to Look for in this Chapter

Key Attitudes and Skills in Seganti’s Approach

Teacher Attitude that Promotes High Quality Discipline and Teaching

Student Accountability and 11 Rules that Promote It

Leverage that Ensures Students Comply with the Rules

Management Tactics that Support Desirable Behavior

Putting Seganti’s Approach into Effect

Types of Students to Look For

The Doorway and Establishing Expectations

Assigning Seats

Learning Students’ Names

Establishing Leverage

Excluding Students from your Class

Role of Administrators, Counselors, and Parents

Closing Comment from Mr. Seganti

Summary Rubric for Applying Seganti’s Approach in the Classroom

Terms and Concepts Emphasized in this Chapter

Concept Cases

You Are The Teacher




Part III. What Additional Strategies Might I Use to Enhance My Personal System of Discipline? 


Chapter 12. How Do Top Teachers Establish Personal Influence with Students who are Difficult to Manage?

Chapter Preview

Dave Hingsburger’s Technique: Use Power Sparingly and Grasp the Student’s Point of View

Stephen R. Covey’s Technique: Find the Student’s Frame of Reference and Listen Empathetically

Haim Ginott’s Technique: Use Congruent Language that Confers Dignity

Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott’s Technique: Use Relationship Builders while Avoiding Relationship Barriers

William Glasser’s Technique: Make Assiduous Use of Seven Connecting Habits

Tom Daly’s Technique: Find Ways to Relate Well with Your Few Most Problematic Students

Richard Curwin and Allen Mendler’s Technique: Confer Dignity and Reestablish Hope

Ed Ford’s Technique: Expose Students to the Responsible Thinking Process® (RTP)

Questions and Activities



Chapter 13. How do P. M. Forni, Michele Borba, and Diane Gossen Engender Respect and Civility in the Classroom?

A Preview of this Chapter

What to Look for in This Chapter

P. M. Forni on Civility in the Classroom

Michele Borba on Developing Moral Intelligence

The Role of Moral Intelligence in Classroom Discipline

The Seven Virtues of Goodness

Manners in Character Development

Diane Gossen on Self-Restitution in Discipline

Gossen’s Principal Teachings

Following the Least Coercive Road

Establishing the Social Contract and Building a Sense of Belonging

Establishing Limits and Clarifying Personal Power

Restitution – Making Things Right and Healing Oneself

Summary Rubric for Applying Forni, Borba, and Gossen’s Suggestions in the Classroom

Terms Emphasized in this Chapter

Concept Cases

You Are the Teacher




Chapter 14.  How do C. M. Charles and Others Energize their Classes?

A Preview of this Chapter

What to Look for in This Chapter

Establishing Synergetic Teaching and Discipline in the Classroom

Other Voices from the Ranks of Teachers

Marilyn Page on Making Changes in Teacher Language to Help Energize Classes

Benna Golubtchik on Creating a Multisensory Classroom

Rosemary Shaw on Teaching Students How to Do Online Research

Judy Jones on Building a Community of Learners -- High School Style

Nancy Powell on Keeping Students Engaged in Learning with Marker Boards

Rubric for Increasing Levels of Synergy in the Classroom

Terms and Concepts Emphasized in this Chapter

Concept Cases

You are The Teacher




Chapter 15. How Does Eileen Kalberg VanWie Build and Maintain Democratic Learning Communities in Technology-Rich Environments?

A Preview of this Chapter

What to Look for in This Chapter

Two Fundamental Terms in Technology-Rich Learning Environments

Four Primary Challenges in Establishing Democratic Learning Communities in Technology-Rich Learning Environments

Challenge #1. How Do Teachers Discharge their Multiple Roles?

Challenge #2. How Do Teachers Provide a Quality Learning Environment That Emphasizes the Use of Digital Tools?

Challenge #3. How Do Teachers Establish a Learning-Centered Approach - Thus Ensuring Enhanced Learning and Interaction Among Students?

Challenge #4. How Do Teachers Ensure That Participants' Social Skills Are Employed and Imporved - Communication, Relationships, Collaboration, Conflict Resolution, and Other Interpersonal Skills and Qualities?

Issues to Consider in Using Digital Media

A Culminating Scenario

Key Terms and Concepts Emphasized in This Chapter

Application Activities

Case Concepts

Questions and Activities




Part IV. What Remains to be Done?


Chapter 16. How Do I Finalize a System of Discipline Designed Especially for Me and My Students?

The Planning Rubric, with Reminders

Professional and Philosophical Considerations

Specifics of My Discipline Plan

Communicating My Discipline Plan to Students and Others

Two Prototypical Approaches to Discipline

Prototype #1. An Approach That Emphasizes Rules and Consequences

Prototype #2. An Approach That Emphasizes Prevention and Cooperation between Teacher and Students

The Formula for Success is Now in Your Hands

Special Terms in this Chapter


Glossary of Terms in Discipline References


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