Charlotte Moss Flowers

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2021-04-06
Publisher(s): Rizzoli
List Price: $50.00

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Renowned interior designer and tastemaker Charlotte Moss celebrates flowers and offers endless inspiration in their use as glorious additions to decorating, entertaining, and everyday living.

Charlotte Moss encourages readers to bring the garden indoors--with ideas for arranging flowers, selecting containers, and placing blossoms around the house. An inviting cluster of blooms on a guest room's bedside table, lavish floral displays for parties and holidays, single stems adding life to any corner of a room--Moss has been photographing her flower arrangements for over a decade. This book is a celebration of her artistry and a testament to flowers as part of day-to-day life.

From Moss's grander displays in the city to her more informal and breezy creations at her home in the country, as well as in the refined interiors of her clients, the visual result is a chronicle of the myriad ways flowers provide inspiration--indoors and out. Readers will be further motivated as Moss describes the contributions of past tastemakers: Gloria Vanderbilt for her ingenious use of floral patterns in her licensed products, Pauline de Rothschild for her fantastic tablescapes, Bunny Mellon for her profusive use of topiaries, Constance Spry for the use of inventive containers and for her groundbreaking artistry, and Lady Bird Johnson for her embrace of the simple, exquisite wildflower. With nature as her muse, Moss implores us to create the backdrop for a life well lived, imbuing every day with flair, beauty, and elegance.

Author Biography

Charlotte Moss is a designer, author, and philanthropist. She has designed numerous private residences in the United States and abroad, in addition to collections of carpets, furniture, fabrics, china, and enameled jewelry. She has authored ten books, most recently Rizzoli's Charlotte Moss Entertains (2018). Moss lectures internationally on the art of fine living and is consistently featured in the top lifestyle and design publications.

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