Child Development, Third Edition A Practitioner's Guide

Edition: 3rd
Format: eBook
Pub. Date: 2010-07-23
Publisher(s): Ecampus Direct
List Price: $76.80

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Customer Reviews

Child Development  July 31, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

Great textbook to help guide understanding of attachment theory as it relates to children as they grow. Good job explaining concepts without being dry. The case studies are fantastic. Quick shipping, textbook in excellent conditions. Recommend this seller.

Child Development, Third Edition A Practitioner's Guide: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


This widely used practitioner resource and course text provides an engaging overview of developmental theory and research, with a focus on what practitioners need to know. The author explains how children's trajectories are shaped by transactions among early relationships, brain development, and the social environment. Developmental processes of infancy, toddlerhood, the preschool years, and middle childhood are described.

The book shows how children in each age range typically behave, think, and relate to others, and what happens when development goes awry. It demonstrates effective ways to apply developmental knowledge to clinical assessment and intervention. Vivid case examples, observation exercises, and quick-reference tables facilitate learning.

New to This Edition

- Incorporates the latest research on the developing brain, attachment, risk and protective factors, and all domains of development.

- Neuroscience information is more fully integrated throughout.

- New material on preadolescence, foster care, trauma, and social policy.

- Expanded discussions of developmentally appropriate interventions, including new case examples.

Author Biography

Douglas Davies, MSW, PhD, is Lecturer at the School of Social Work, University of Michigan. He is an infant mental health specialist whose clinical articles focus on intervention with toddlers and parents, traumatized children, and child cancer survivors. Dr. Davies's current practice is devoted to reflective supervision of mental health clinicians and child care consultants, consultation to agencies, and training of clinicians on topics in child development and child therapy. He was inducted into the National Academies of Practice as a distinguished social work practitioner and is a recipient of the Selma Fraiberg Award from the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.

Table of Contents

Contexts of Development: A Transactional Approach
Perspectives on Developmentp. 3
The Maturational Perspectivep. 3
The Transactional Model of Developmentp. 4
Developmental Pathways and Interventionp. 4
Attachment as a Context of Developmentp. 7
How Attachment Developsp. 8
Functions of Attachmentp. 8
Patterns of Attachmentp. 11
Attachment Classificationsp. 12
Attachment, Class, and Culturep. 19
The Universality of Attachmentp. 21
Attachment and Future Developmentp. 21
Parental Models of Attachmentp. 24
Attachment Theory and Family Systems Theoryp. 28
The Attachment Perspective in the Assessment of Young Childrenp. 29
Kelly and Her Mother: A Case Examplep. 30
Brain Developmentp. 39
Sequence of Brain Developmentp. 40
Early Brain Growth: Synaptogenesis and Myelinationp. 40
Synaptic Overproduction and Pruningp. 42
Plasticity and Experiencep. 43
Bonding, Attachment, and Brain Developmentp. 43
Mirror Neurons and the Social Brainp. 45
Can Parents Build Better Brains?p. 46
Risk and Protective Factors Influencing Brain Developmentp. 47
Stress, Trauma, and Brain Developmentp. 49
Early Trauma and Brain Developmentp. 51
Studies of Institutionally Deprived Young Childrenp. 56
Risk and Protective Factors: The Child, Family, and Community Contextsp. 60
Research on Risk and Resiliencep. 60
Protective Factors and Processesp. 61
Risk Factorsp. 65
Conclusionp. 101
Summary of Risk and Protective Factorsp. 103
Analysis of Risk and Protective Factors: Practice Applicationsp. 105
How to Use Risk Factor Analysisp. 105
Prediction of Risk: Assessing Current Risk and Protective Factorsp. 106
Retrospective Analysis of Risk and Protective Factorsp. 116
The Course of Child Development
A Developmental Lens on Childhoodp. 127
Barriers to Understanding the Child's Perspectivep. 127
Dynamics of Developmental Changep. 129
Interactions between Maturation and Environmentp. 129
Thinking Developmentally in Assessment and Interventionp. 130
Organization of Developmental Chaptersp. 130
Infant Developmentp. 131
The Interaction between Maturation and Caregivingp. 131
Brain Development: The Importance of Early Experiencep. 132
Metaphors of Infant-Parent Transactionsp. 132
Caregivers' Adaptations to Developmental Changep. 133
The Neonatal Period: Birth-4 Weeksp. 134
Age 1-3 Monthsp. 137
Age 3-6 Monthsp. 142
A Normal Infant and a Competent Parent: A Case Examplep. 147
Age 6-12 Monthsp. 149
Summary of Infant Development, Birth-12 Months of Agep. 160
Practice with Infantsp. 163
Assessment Issuesp. 164
Assessment and Brief Interventions with an Infant and Her Family: A Case Examplep. 168
Observation Exercisesp. 183
Toddler Developmentp. 185
Physical Developmentp. 186
Attachment and Secure Base Behaviorp. 186
Cognitive Developmentp. 192
Language and Communicationp. 193
Symbolic Communication and Playp. 200
Regulation of Emotion and Behaviorp. 203
Moral Developmentp. 209
The Developing Selfp. 215
Summary of Toddler Development, 1-3 Years of Agep. 222
Practice with Toddlersp. 225
Assessmentp. 225
Assessment of Toddler Development: A Case Examplep. 230
Intervention: Parent-Child Therapyp. 244
Parent-Child Therapy with an Abused Toddler: A Case Examplep. 247
Observation Exercisesp. 249
Interview Exercisesp. 250
Preschool Developmentp. 251
Physical Developmentp. 252
Attachmentp. 254
Social Developmentp. 256
Language Developmentp. 262
Symbolic Communication and Playp. 267
Cognitive Developmentp. 270
Regulation of Emotion and Behaviorp. 279
Moral Developmentp. 287
The Developing Selfp. 294
Summary of Preschool Development, 3-6 Years of Agep. 300
Practice with Preschoolersp. 304
Assessmentp. 304
Child Care Consultation with a Preschool Child: A Case Examplep. 305
Intervention with Preschoolers: Play Therapyp. 310
Using Play in the Treatment of Preschoolersp. 312
Medical Treatment as a Developmental Interferencep. 313
Play Therapy with a Preschool Child: A Case Examplep. 315
Observation Exercisep. 326
Middle Childhood Developmentp. 327
Physical Developmentp. 328
The Transition from Preschool to Middle Childhoodp. 329
Attachmentp. 334
Social Developmentp. 336
Language and Communicationp. 344
Play and Fantasyp. 347
Cognitive Developmentp. 350
Self-Regulationp. 358
Moral Developmentp. 365
Sense of Selfp. 367
Toward Adolescencep. 378
Summary of Middle Childhood Development, 6-12 Years of Agep. 380
Practice with School-Age Childrenp. 384
Assessmentp. 384
Interventionp. 393
Working to Master the Trauma of Repeated Abuse: A Case Examplep. 398
Using Developmental Strengths: A Case Examplep. 406
Observation Exercisesp. 414
Conclusion: Developmental Knowledge and Practicep. 415
Applying Practice Knowledge and Skillsp. 416
Ever-Present Complications in Practicep. 417
Intervention and Developmental Outcomep. 419
Referencesp. 421
Indexp. 481
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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