Christian Citizens in an Islamic State: The Pakistan Experience

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Pub. Date: 2007-12-28
Publisher(s): Routledge
List Price: $53.95

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Christian Minorities in an Islamic State deals with the important question of inter-faith relations in Pakistan, a vital region of the Islamic world which has been the scene of the rise of both Islamic militancy and partnership with the West in counter-terrorism measures. Christians are the most important religious minority of Pakistan and their status and experience is a test case of the treatment of religious minorities in an Islamic state. This book covers new ground in exploring the various factors that govern the relations between Muslims and Christians in a nation state which has been politically unstable in the past, and where the imposition of Islamic law has been controversial and problematic for religious minorities. Theodore Gabriel clarifies the history of Christian-Muslim relations in the region, explores the rise of Islamic militancy, and draws on personal interviews to determine the mind set of both Christians and Muslims in Pakistan today.

Table of Contents

The origins of Christianity in Pakistan
The Islamicisation of Pakistan
The Christian dilemma: problems faced by the Christian community of Pakistan
The blasphemy law and its impact on the Christian community
Islamic resurgence in Pakistan: Bush's war on terror and its aftermath
Movements for inter-religious dialogue in Pakistan
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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