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This reader offers succinct overviews of classic ideas and foundations of American government framed by contemporary issues and writings. Students are introduced to the classic debates, institutions, and individuals that shape American politics through key primary documents and shown how these issues remain at the core of policy making today. The included readings highlight questions about contemporary topics such as homeland security and affirmative action without losing touch with the timeless dilemmas of liberty, equality, and power.
Table of Contents
Topic Correlation Chart | |
American Government and the Constitution | |
The Second Treatise on Government (1690) | |
The Declaration of Independence (1776) | |
The Articles of Confederation (1781) | |
The Federalist No.10 and No.51 (1787–1788) | |
Anti-Federalists, Cato No. 3 (1787) and Brutus No. 2 (1787) | |
The Declaration of Sentiments (1848) | |
I Have a Dream (1963) | |
Constitutional Reform and Effective Government (1992) | |
Federalism | |
The Federalist No. 39 (1788) | |
McCulloch v. State of Maryland(1819) | |
Hard Road Ahead: Block Grants and the "Devolution Revolution" (1995) | |
Keeping the Compound Republic: How Many Communities? (2001) | |
American Political Culture | |
Democracy in America (1835–1840) | |
Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital (1995) | |
Lift Every Voice: A Report on Religion in American Public Life (2001), The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life; Section 104 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996) | |
Public Opinion | |
The Phantom Public (1925) | |
Election Results, Rally Effects, and Democratic Futures(2003) | |
Culture War? The Myth of a Polarized America (2005) | |
Political Participation | |
The Responsible Electorate (1966) | |
The Myth of the Vanishing Voter (2001) | |
Engaging Youth: Combating the Apathy of Young Americans Toward Politics (2003) | |
Martin P. Wattenberg, Where Have All the Voters Gone? (2002) | |
Political Parties and Interest Groups | |
The Nader Calculation (2004) | |
Dynamics of the Party System: Alignment and Realignment of Political Parties in the United States (1983) | |
The Social Basis of Politics (2004) | |
The Semisovereign People: A Realist's View of Democracy in America (1960) | |
Showdown at Gucci Gulch: Lawmakers, Lobbyists, and the Unlikely Triumph of Tax Reform (1987) | |
Elections and Campaigns | |
Theories of Retrospective Voting (1981) | |
The Setting: Valence Politics in Modern Elections (1993) | |
Even with Campaign Finance Law, Money Talks Louder Than Ever (2004) | |
Reforming the Electoral System (2004) | |
The Media | |
Whereas, He Is an Old Boy, If a Young Chief, Honor Him (1994) | |
Spin Cycle: How the White House and the Media Manipulate the News (1998) | |
President's Criticism of Media Resonates, But Iraq Unease Grows (2003), The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press | |
Media Research Center Report: The Liberal Media (2004) | |
Congress | |
The Federalist No. 57 (1788) | |
The Federalist No. 63 (1788) | |
Congress: The Electoral Connection (1974) | |
Home Style: House Members in Their Districts (1978) | |
Policymaking in Congress. Congress as Watchdog Asleep on the Job? (2007) | |
Intelligence Panel's Mission Corroded by Air of Distrust (2004) | |
Senate Races Against the Nuclear Clock on Judges (2005) | |
Congress Skirts Issue with Sham Disaster Plan (2004) | |
Presidenc | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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