Classical Archaeology

by ;
Edition: 2nd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2012-05-21
Publisher(s): Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: $60.75

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The fully revised second edition of this successful volume includes updates on the latest archaeological research in all chapters, and two new essays on Greek and Roman art. It retains its unique, paired essay format, as well as key contributions from leading archaeologists and historians of the classical world. Second edition is fully updated and revised throughout, with the latest research and fresh theoretical approaches in classical archaeology Includes brand new essays on Greek and Roman art in a modern context Designed to encourage critical thinking about the role of ancient material culture in modern times and the role of modern preoccupations in shaping the study of ancient material Features paired essays one covering the Greek world, the other, the Roman to stimulate a dialogue not only between the two ancient cultures, but between scholars with different historiographic and methodological traditions Includes maps, chronologies, diagrams, photographs, and short editorial introductions to each chapter

Author Biography

Susan E. Alcock is Director of the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World and Professor, of, Classics, Anthropology and Archaeology at Brown University. Her recent books include Archaeologies of the Greek Past Landscape, Monuments and Memories (2001) and Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Analysis in the Mediterranean World (with John F. Cherry, 2004). Robin Osborne is Professor of Ancient History at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of King's College. His recent books include Archaic and Classical Greek Art (1998), Greek Historical Inscriptions 404-323 B.C. (with P. J. Rhodes 2003), Greek History (2004), Athens and Athenian Democracy (2010) and The History Written on the Classical Greek Body (2011).

Table of Contents

List of Figuresp. ix
Notes on Contributorsp. xv
Introductionp. 1
What is Classical Archaeology?p. 11
Introductionp. 11
Greek Archaeologyp. 13
Roman Archaeologyp. 30
Doing Archaeology in the Classical Landsp. 51
Introductionp. 51
The Greek Worldp. 53
The Roman Worldp. 71
Human Ecology and the Classical Landscapep. 91
Introductionp. 91
The Greek and Roman Worldsp. 93
The Essential Countrysidep. 122
Introductionp. 122
The Greek Worldp. 124
The Roman Worldp. 144
Urban Spaces and Central Placesp. 168
Introductionp. 168
The Greek Worldp. 170
The Roman Worldp. 187
Housing and Householdsp. 207
Introductionp. 207
The Greek Worldp. 209
The Roman Worldp. 228
Cult and Ritualp. 249
Introductionp. 249
The Greek Worldp. 251
The Roman Worldp. 268
The Personal and the Politicalp. 293
Introductionp. 293
The Greek Worldp. 295
The Roman Worldp. 316
The Creation and Expression of Identityp. 348
Introductionp. 348
The Greek Worldp. 350
The Roman Worldp. 368
Linking with a Wider Worldp. 394
Introductionp. 394
Greeks and "Barbarians"p. 396
Romans and "Barbarians"p. 415
A Place for Art?p. 439
Introductionp. 439
Putting the Art into Artifactp. 442
Classical Archaeology and the Contexts of Art Historyp. 468
Prospectivep. 501
Indexp. 506
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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