Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing

by ;
Edition: 3rd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-03-28
Publisher(s): Springer Pub Co
List Price: $75.00

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Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


This textbook presents a comprehensive framework for planning, guiding, and evaluating learning activities for undergraduate and graduate nursing students in clinical settings.

The book presents clinical teaching strategies that are effective and practical in a rapidly changing health care environment. It describes a range of teaching strategies useful for courses in which the teacher is on-site with students, in courses using preceptors, in simulation laboratories, and in distance education environments.

This book represents the cutting edge of educational strategies, examining innovative uses of virtual reality, game-based learning, and nontraditional sites for clinical teaching. Also discussed are culturally inclusive strategies, methods incorporating current technologies, and strategies for teaching students with disabilities.

Key topics:

- Choosing clinical learning assignments

- Self-directed learning activities

- Case method, case study, and grand rounds

- Clinical Nurse Educator Examination Detailed Test Blueprint core competencies

- Evaluation strategies and grading for written assignments

- Ethical and legal issues in clinical teaching

- Recognizing that clinical settings require different approaches to teaching, the contributors present all the tools necessary to help educators meet the challenges of this complex learning environment.

Table of Contents

Contributorsp. ix
Prefacep. xi
Foundations of Clinical Teachingp. 1
Contextual Factors Affecting Clinical Teachingp. 3
Outcomes of Clinical Teachingp. 19
Preparing for Clinical Learning Activitiesp. 35
Process of Clinical Teachingp. 59
Ethical and Legal Issues in Clinical Teachingp. 89
Strategies for Effective Clinical Teachingp. 113
Choosing Clinical Learning Assignmentsp. 115
Self-Directed Learning Activitiesp. 133
Clinical Simulationp. 151
Virtual Reality and Game-Based Clinical Educationp. 183
Case Method, Case Study, and Grand Roundsp. 213
Discussion and Clinical Conferencep. 231
Clinical Teaching Strategies for Selected Contextsp. 253
Quality Clinical Education for Graduate Nursing Students at a Distance: One Exemplarp. 255
Using Preceptors as Clinical Teachers and Coachesp. 285
Clinical Teaching in Diverse Settingsp. 307
Evaluation Strategies in Clinical Teachingp. 341
Written Assignmentsp. 343
Clinical Evaluation and Gradingp. 371
Appendix: Certified Nurse Educator (CNECM) Examination Detailed Test Blueprintp. 415
Indexp. 423
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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