Conducting Psychological Assessment A Guide for Practitioners

Edition: 2nd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2020-11-03
Publisher(s): Wiley
List Price: $72.95

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It has been about ten years since the original edition of Conducting Psychological Assessment came out, and since then it has been used consistently, especially within educational contexts, to train psychologists in the process of psychological assessment, especially related to integrating data and writing reports.  The hypothesis testing model proposed in the original book has become the standard for ethical and rigorous comprehensive (multi-method) assessment.  The second edition will take the foundational models from the first edition and add nuance and details that have been hammered out over the past ten years of running CE workshops based on the ideas in the book.  Specifically, the author has developed well-received models of reconciling conflicting data from different sources, which can be incorporated into the data integration process chapter.  Further, the author has begun to use several other models of personality functioning as a template for conceptualizing data (including the interpersonal circumplex model), which is used illustratively throughout the text.

Author Biography

A. JORDAN WRIGHT, PHD, ABAP, is an assessment psychologist and faculty in the Counseling Psychology program at New York University, where he runs the Center for Counseling and Community Wellbeing, NYU's training clinic. He has published several books on assessment, including the Handbook of Psychological Assessment (6th edition, Wiley, 2016), Essentials of Psychological Assessment Supervision (Wiley, 2019), and Essentials of Psychological Tele-Assessment (Wiley, 2020). He is on the executive board of the American Board of Assessment Psychology, is a past board member of the Society for Personality Assessment, and is a past president of APA's Section IX (Assessment) of Division 12.

Table of Contents



PART I Conducting Psychological Assessment

INTRODUCTION The Hypothesis Testing Model

CHAPTER 1 The Initial Clinical Assessment: Clinical Interviewing and Hypothesis Building

CHAPTER 2 Selecting Tests

CHAPTER 3 Testing

CHAPTER 4 Integrating Data

CHAPTER 5 Writing Reports

CHAPTER 6 Providing Feedback

PART II Case Studies in Psychological Assessment

CHAPTER 7 A Woman With Poor Attention

CHAPTER 8 A Woman With Interpersonal Problems

CHAPTER 9 A Young Man Who Steals

CHAPTER 10 An Adolescent Girl With Test Anxiety

CHAPTER 11 An Aggressive Boy

CHAPTER 12 An Adolescent Girl With School Problems



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