Counseling Cops What Clinicians Need to Know

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Edition: Reprint
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2015-09-24
Publisher(s): The Guilford Press
List Price: $34.13

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Grounded in clinical research, extensive experience, and deep familiarity with police culture, this book offers highly practical guidance for psychotherapists and counselors. The authors vividly depict the pressures and challenges of police work and explain the impact that line-of-duty issues can have on officers and their loved ones. Numerous concrete examples and tips show how to build rapport with cops, use a range of effective intervention strategies, and avoid common missteps and misconceptions. Approaches to working with frequently encountered clinical problems--such as substance abuse, depression, trauma, and marital conflict--are discussed in detail. A new preface in the paperback and e-book editions highlights the book's relevance in the context of current events and concerns about police-community relations.

See also Kirschman's related self-help guide I Love a Cop, Third Edition: What Police Families Need to Know, an ideal recommendation for clients and their family members.

Author Biography

Ellen Kirschman, MSW, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in independent practice in Redwood City, California, and a volunteer clinician at the West Coast Post-Trauma Retreat. She is a recipient of the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Police and Public Safety Psychology from the Police and Public Safety Section of Division 18 (Psychologists in Public Service) of the American Psychological Association (APA). Dr. Kirschman presents workshops worldwide and is the author of the bestselling self-help guide I Love a Cop: What Police Families Need to Know, as well as I Love a Fire Fighter: What the Family Needs to Know and the mystery novel Burying Ben. Her website is

Mark Kamena, PhD, ABPP, is Director of Research and Co-Founder of the First Responder Support Network, a volunteer, nonprofit organization that operates the West Coast Post-Trauma Retreat and a separate program for first-responder spouses and significant others. He has a private practice in Marin County, California, where he specializes in first-responder posttraumatic stress injury. Dr. Kamena is a recipient of the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Police and Public Safety Psychology from APA Division 18. He is President of the California Psychological Association (CPA) and serves on the CPA Foundation Board.

Joel Fay, PsyD, ABPP, is a psychologist in private practice who works with emergency responders and provides crisis intervention training for numerous agencies throughout California. He served as a police officer for over 30 years before retiring in 2011. Dr. Fay is a recipient of the Humanitarian Award from the California Psychological Association and the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Police and Public Safety Psychology from APA Division 18. He serves on the Psychological Services Committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, is Clinical Director of the First Responder Support Network, and teaches and presents workshops widely.

Table of Contents

Foreword, Ellen Scrivner
I. The Basics of Cultural Competency
1. Working in the Law Enforcement Culture
2. Managing the Therapeutic Alliance
3. The Emergency Responder's Exhaustion Syndrome
4. Growing Old in a Young Person's Profession
II. Line-of-Duty Issues
5. Death by 1,000 Cuts: Critical Incidents, Trauma, and Posttraumatic Stress Injuries
6. Betrayal: The Hidden Critical Incident
7. Shift Work and Sleep Deprivation
III. Treatment Tactics
8. Reading Your Client: Assessment Strategies
9. Treatment Strategies
10. When Your Client Needs Medication
IV. Common Presenting Problems
11. Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Other Addictions
12. Depression and Suicide
13. Somatization, Panic Attacks, and Stress Reduction
V. Working with Police Families
14. Resilience and the Police Family
15. Givens and Paradoxes
16. "Why Didn't You Shoot Him in the Leg?": Police Family Communication
17. The First Responder Relationship
18. Infidelity, Divorce, and Domestic Abuse
VI. Getting Started
19. Special Considerations for Treating Other First Responders
20. Breaking and Entering
Appendix: Residential Treatment/Group Therapy

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