DB2 SQL Procedural Language for Linux, Unix and Windows

by ; ; ; ; ; ;
Edition: CD
Format: Paperback w/CD
Pub. Date: 2003-01-01
Publisher(s): Prentice Hall PTR
List Price: $59.99

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SQL Procedure Language (SQL PL) is used in DB2 to write database-stored procedures. Stored procedures are used to encapsulate business logic on the database and yield the following benefits: significantly improved application performance, increased application scalability, simplified application development, and reduced network traffic. This book will teach the reader how to set up the development environment and use all language elements of SQL PL through concrete examples and thorough discussions. Also included are expert tips and best practices for achieving optimal performance and code manageability. This book will be a valuable reference for SQL PL code syntax and troubleshooting. There are currently no books on the market that cover the DB2 SQL Procedure Language, although it is extensively used by IBM business partners and other software vendors.

Table of Contents

About the Authors
Introductionp. 1
Basic SQL Procedure Structurep. 11
Using Flow of Control Statementsp. 31
Understanding and Using Cursors and Result Setsp. 57
Condition Handlingp. 75
Working with Dynamic SQLp. 103
Working with Nested SQL Proceduresp. 119
Leveraging DB2 Advanced Featuresp. 135
Deploying SQL Proceduresp. 171
Working with Triggers and User-Defined Functionsp. 185
Getting Started with DB2p. 205
Setting up the Build Environmentp. 223
Using the DB2 Development Centerp. 231
Security Considerations in SQL Proceduresp. 251
Built-in Function Referencep. 257
DDLp. 271
Additional Resourcesp. 277
Sample Application Code for Receiving Cursor Result Setsp. 285
SQL PL Cross-Platform Compatibilityp. 299
Indexp. 309
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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