Defending the Holy Land

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2009-01-23
Publisher(s): Univ of Michigan Pr
List Price: $41.00

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A scathing and brilliant revisionist history, Defending the Holy Land is the most comprehensive analysis to date of Israel's national security and foreign policy, from the inception of the State of Israel to the present. Book jacket.

Author Biography

Zeev Maoz is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Davis. He is the former head of the Graduate School of Government and Policy and the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, as well as the former academic director of the M.A. Program at the Israeli Defense Forces' National Defense College.

Table of Contents

The Israeli Security Puzzle
Conceptions, Approaches, Paradoxesp. 3
The Use of Force
The Sinai War
The Making of the Second Roundp. 47
The Six Day War
Playing with Firep. 80
The War of Attrition
The First Payment for Arrogancep. 113
The Yom Kippur War
The War That Shouldn't Have Beenp. 140
The Lebanese Swamp, 1981-2000p. 171
The Unlimited Use of the Limited Use of Force
Israel and Low-Intensity Warfarep. 231
ISrael's Nuclear Policy
The Mixed Blessing of Israel's Nuclear Policyp. 301
Foreign Policy: Shadow And Open Diplomacy
Israeli Intervention in Intra-Arab Affairsp. 361
Never Missing an Opportunity to Miss an Opportunity
The Israeli Nonpolicy of Peace in the Middle Eastp. 386
Causes and Implications of the Mismanagement of National Security and Foreign Policy
The Structure and Process of National Security and Foreign Policy in Israelp. 499
Principal Findings and Lessonsp. 544
If so Bad, Why so Good?
Explaining the Paradox of the Israeli Success Storyp. 564
Paths to the Future
Scenarios and Prescriptionsp. 597
Afterword: The Second Lebanon Fiasco and the Never-Ending Intifadap. 621
Notesp. 633
Glossaryp. 665
Referencesp. 669
Author Indexp. 695
Subject Indexp. 701
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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