Deliberate Practice in Schema Therapy

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Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2023-02-28
Publisher(s): American Psychological Association
List Price: $46.92

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Deliberate practice exercises provide trainees and students opportunities to build competence in essential schema therapy skills and hone their own personal therapeutic style.

These exercises present role-playing scenarios in which two trainees act as a client and a clinician, switching back and forth under the guidance of a supervisor. The clinician improvises appropriate and authentic responses to client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—that reflect common client questions and concerns.

Each of the first 12 exercises focuses on a single skill. Two comprehensive exercises follow in which trainees integrate these essential skills into a single schema therapy session.

Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering each skill, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.

Author Biography

Joan M. Farrell, PhD, is Codirector of the Schema Therapy Institute Midwest-Indianapolis Center and Research Director of the Center for Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment and Research, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. She is Adjunct Professor of Psychology at IUPUI and served for 25 years as Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine where she developed and directed a schema therapy (ST) program for BPD. Dr. Farrell is coprincipal investigator of an international study of ST for BPD. She is the codeveloper of group ST with Ida A. Shaw. They provide ST training and self-practice/self-reflection workshops internationally. 
Wendy Behary, MA, is founder and director of The Cognitive Therapy Center of New Jersey and The Schema Therapy Institutes of NJ-NYC and DC. Her private practice is primarily devoted to treating narcissists, their partners, and couples. She also coaches individuals in interviewing, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. She is a founding fellow and supervisor of The Academy of Cognitive Therapy and was President of the International Society of Schema Therapy (2010–2014). She has coauthored multiple publications on schema therapy and cognitive therapy, and she lectures internationally about schema therapy, narcissism, relationships, and dealing with difficult people.

Table of Contents

Series Preface
Tony Rousmaniere and Alexandre Vaz
Part I. Overview and Instructions
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Deliberate Practice and Schema Therapy
Chapter 2. Instructions for the Schema Therapy Deliberate Practice Exercises
Part II. Deliberate Practice Exercises for Schema Therapy Skills
Exercises for Beginner Schema Therapy Skills
Exercise 1: Understanding and Attunement
Exercise 2: Schema Education
Exercise 3: Linking Unmet Need, Schema, and Present Problem
Exercise 4: Education About the Dysfunctional Schema Modes
Exercises for Intermediate Schema Therapy Skills
Exercise 5: Recognizing the Mode Shifts of the Maladaptive Coping Modes
Exercise 6: Identifying the Presence of the Dysfunctional Critic Mode
Exercise 7: Identifying the Presence of the Angry and Vulnerable Child Modes
Exercise 8: Limited Reparenting Response for the Innate Child Modes
Exercises for Advanced Schema Therapy Skills
Exercise 9: Limited Reparenting Response for the Dysfunctional Critic Mode
Exercise 10: Limited Reparenting Responses for the Maladaptive Coping Modes- Empathic Confrontation
Exercise 11: Supporting and Strengthening the Healthy Adult Mode
Exercise 12: Implementing Behavioral Pattern Breaking
Comprehensive Exercises
Exercise 13: Annotated Schema Therapy Practice Session Transcript
Exercise 14: Mock Schema Therapy Sessions
Part III: Strategies for Enhancing the Deliberate Practice Exercises
Chapter 3: Additional Guidance for Trainers and Trainees: How to Get the Most Out of Deliberate Practice
Appendix A. Difficulty Assessments and Adjustments
Appendix B. Deliberate Practice Diary Form
Appendix C. Sample Schema Therapy Syllabus With Embedded Deliberate Practice Exercises
About the Authors

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