Demystifying Crime and Criminal Justice

by ;
Edition: 2nd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2012-07-12
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
List Price: $53.32

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Demystifying Crime and Criminal Justice aims to debunk commonly held myths about crime and the criminal justice system--for instance, that punishment reduces crime, or that minimum-security prisons are little worse than country clubs, or that strict rules of evidence allow many criminals to go free. This new edition is composed of an introduction by Bohm and Walker and 29 chapters, each on a particular myth and each written by a leading scholar in that area. Chapters conform to a strict format developed by the editors: Introduction, Kernel of Truth, truth or Facts, Interests Served by the Myth, and Policy Implications of Belief in the Myth. These chapters are organized into four parts, which trace a logical progression through the criminal justice process: Crime, Law Enforcement, Administration of Justice, and Corrections.

Author Biography

Robert M. Bohm is Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Central Florida. Jeffery T. Walker is Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology and Chair of the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Table of Contents

About the Editorsp. xi
About the Contributorsp. xiii
Prefacep. xxiii
Introductionp. xxv
The Myth of Accurate Crime Measurementp. 3
The Myth That "Criminals" Are Fundamentally Different from "Non-criminals"p. 13
The Myth of Rational Choice as an Explanation for Criminal Behavior: A Biosocial Critiquep. 25
The Myth That Violent Juveniles Will Become Adult Criminalsp. 37
The Myth of Black Crimep. 48
The Myth That Mental Illness Causes Crimep. 57
Myths about Drug Legalization or Decriminalizationp. 67
The Myth about Drug Use and Violent Offendingp. 81
The Myth That White-Collar Crime Is Only about Financial Lossp. 93
The Myth That Current Gun Control Policies Reduce Crimep. 103
The Myth That Sex Offenders Are Beyond Redemptionp. 114
The Myth That Stalking Is Not a Serious Crimep. 127
Demystifying Terrorism: "Crazy Islamic Terrorists Who Hate Us Because We're Free?"p. 136
Law Enforcement
The Myth That the Role of the Police Is to Fight Crimep. 147
The Myth That Science Solves Crimesp. 157
The Myths Surrounding Policewomen on Patrolp. 166
The Myth That Police Use of Force Is Widespreadp. 178
The Myths of Racial Profilingp. 185
The Myth That the Best Police Response to Domestic Violence Is to Arrest the Offenderp. 193
Administration of Justice
The Myth That the Exclusionary Rule Allows Many Criminals to Escape Justicep. 205
The Myth That Punishment Reduces Crimep. 215
The Myth That Imprisonment Is the Most Severe Form of Punishmentp. 230
The Myth That the Death Penalty Is Administered Fairlyp. 242
The Myth of Closure and Capital Punishmentp. 254
The Myth of Prisons as Country Clubsp. 267
The Myth That Prisons Can Be Self-Supportingp. 278
Correctional Privatization and the Myth of Inherent Efficiencyp. 285
The Myth That Correctional Rehabilitation Does Not Workp. 296
The Myth That Rehabilitation Is the Focus of Community Correctionsp. 311
Indexp. 321
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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