Diagnosis Made Easier Principles and Techniques for Mental Health Clinicians

Edition: 3rd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2024-01-04
Publisher(s): The Guilford Press
List Price: $48.00

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The third edition of this incisive practitioner resource and course text--updated for the DSM-5 Text Revision (DSM-5-TR)--takes the reader step by step through diagnostic decision making in mental health. Guidelines are presented for evaluating information from multiple sources, constructing a wide-ranging differential diagnosis, creating a safety hierarchy, and using decision trees to derive a valid working diagnosis. The book addresses specific issues in diagnosing the conditions most often seen in mental health practice, with an emphasis on how diagnosis informs effective treatment. More than 100 vivid vignettes illustrate the diagnostic process and allow readers to practice their skills.
New to This Edition
*Revised throughout for DSM-5-TR, including the new diagnosis of prolonged grief disorder.
*Chapter on eating and sleeping disorders, including new decision trees.
*New and updated vignettes and suggested readings.

Author Biography

James Morrison, MD, is Affiliate Professor of Psychiatry at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. His long career includes extensive experience in both the private and public sectors. With his acclaimed practical books--including DSM-5-TR Made Easy; Diagnosis Made Easier, Third Edition; The First Interview, Fourth Edition; and others--Dr. Morrison has guided hundreds of thousands of mental health professionals and students through the complexities of clinical evaluation and diagnosis.

Table of Contents

I. The Basics of Diagnosis
1. The Road to Diagnosis
2. Getting Started with the Roadmap
3. The Diagnostic Method
4. Putting It Together
5. Coping with Uncertainty
6. Multiple Diagnoses
7. Checking Up
II. The Building Blocks of Diagnosis
8. Understanding the Whole Patient
9. Physical Illness and Mental Diagnosis
10. Diagnosis and the Mental Status Examination
III. Applying the Diagnostic Techniques
11. Diagnosing Depression and Mania
12. Diagnosing Anxiety, Fear, Obsessions, and Worry
13. Diagnosing Psychosis
14. Diagnosing Problems of Memory and Thinking
15. Diagnosing Substance Use and Other Addictions
16. Diagnosing Eating and Sleeping Disorders
17. Diagnosing Personality and Relationship Problems
18. Beyond Diagnosis: Compliance, Suicide, Violence
19. Patients, Patients
Appendix: Diagnostic Principles
References and Suggested Readings

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