Doing Good: Passion and Commitment for Helping Others

Format: Nonspecific Binding
Pub. Date: 2000-06-20
Publisher(s): Routledge
List Price: $39.95

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This book is intended to inspire people to make a difference in their work. Told through the experiences of those who "do good" as a vocation, the book reflects the realities of helping others through those who are successful and flourishing in their work. Unlike more traditional texts that concentrate exclusively on content, this work is focused on helping beginners to feel good about their commitment to service. It is thus appropriate as a text in both under-graduate and graduate courses such as Introduction to Counseling, Introduction to Human Services, Social Work I, Introduction to Education, and similar survey courses. It is equally useful to both professionals and those involved in volunteer helping efforts.

Table of Contents

Preface vii
Acknowledgments ix
Welcome With Open Arms
Why Do People Help Others and What Do They Get Out of It?
Voices of Those Who Help
Helping Others to Help Yourself
What Matters Most
The Price Paid
Excuses and Obstacles to Overcome
Where Can You Go Next?
References 123(4)
About the Author 127(2)
Index 129

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