Educational Assessment of Students

by ;
Edition: 6th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-02-16
Publisher(s): Pearson
List Price: $150.60

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Customer Reviews

excellent textboook  March 12, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

This textbook provides a broad and thorough overview of many [censored]sment tools including essays, portfolios and standardized tests. The most important feature of the textbook are the development and evaluation guidelines and checklists provided for each type of [censored]sment. This is a must for anyone involved in student [censored]sment. I received it on time and the book was exactly as expected. No problems with this seller. Thank you for your promptness. Greatly appreciated!

Educational Assessment of Students: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


A highly-respected book in its field,The Educational Assessment of Students 6/eis the most thorough discussion of traditional and alternative assessments of any textexplaining, giving practical real-world examples, discussing pros and cons, and showing how to construct virtually all of the choices teachers can make in classroom assessment. Theories and research findings abound; the author examines why, when, and how teachers should use assessment in the classroom.Topics include: the bases for assessment in the classroom, crafting and using classroom assessments, and interpreting and using standardized tests.With its extensive and valuable appendix set, this book is a must-have desk reference for teachers and others involved in the field of education.

Author Biography

Anthony J. Nitko, Ph.D., is a consultant in educational measurement, Professor Emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Arizona. He co-authored (with Susan Brookhart) Assessment and Grading in Classrooms (2008). He assisted several countries with classroom assessment, most recently formative student assessment in Ethiopia and portfolio assessment in Jordan.


Susan M. Brookhart, Ph.D., is an education consultant based in Helena, Montana, U.S.A. She was Professor and Department Chair in the School of Education at Duquesne University, where she currently is Senior Research Associate in the Center for Advancing the Study of Teaching and Learning. She is 2007-2009 editor of Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, a journal of the National Council on Measurement in Education. She has written or co-authored 7 books and over 40 articles on assessment.

Table of Contents

Brief Contents

Part I

The Bases for Assessment

1 Classroom Decision Making and Using Assessment                                                        

2 Describing the Goals and Learning Targets of Instruction                                                

3 Validity of Assessment Results                                                                                           

4 Reliability of Assessment Results                                                                                       

5 Professional Responsibilities, Ethical Behavior, and Legal Requirements in Educational Assessments                                                                                                                                               


Part II

Crafting and Using Classroom Assessments

6 Planning for Integrating Assessment and Instruction                                                         

7 Diagnostic and Formative Assessments                                                                              

8 Completion, Short-Answer, and True-False Items                                                              

9   Multiple-Choice and Matching Exercises                                                                           

10 Essay Assessment Tasks                                                                                                     

11   Higher-Order Thinking, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking                                       

12   Performance and Portfolio Assessments                                                                             

13   Preparing Your Students to Be Assessed and Using Students’ Results to Improve Your Assessments 

14 Evaluating and Grading Student Progress                                                                          


Part III

Interpreting and Using Standardized Tests

15 Standardized Achievement Tests                                                                                         

16         Interpreting Norm-Referenced Scores                                                                                

17         Finding and Evaluating Published Assessments                                                                 

18         Scholastic Aptitude, Career Interests, Attitudes, and Personality Tests    





Name Index

Subject Index      




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