Emotion, Aging, and Health

by Unknown
Edition: 1st
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2016-03-14
Publisher(s): American Psychological Association
List Price: $102.39

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Although older adults face significant health challenges, they tend to have better emotion regulation skills than younger or middle-age adults. Why is this so?

This book explores the reciprocal relations between aging and emotion, as well as applications for promoting mental and physical health across the lifespan. The authors discuss the neural and cognitive mechanisms behind age-related shifts in affective experience and processing.

In addition to presenting emotion regulation strategies for offsetting age-related declines in mental and physical functioning, the book examines the role of culture and motivation in shaping emotional experience across the lifespan, as well as the factors defining boundary conditions between human illness and human flourishing in old age.

Author Biography

Anthony D. Ong, PhD, is an associate professor of human development at Cornell University. He received his PhD from the University of Southern California. His research broadly focuses on individual differences in developmental plasticity or the capacity of individuals to flexibly adapt to changing life circumstances with age. A major focus of his recent work involves expanding basic understanding of the behavioral and biological pathways by which positive emotions, interpersonal relationships, and cultural experience contribute to diverse health outcomes in later adulthood. His research has been supported by the National Institute of Aging.
Corinna E. Löckenhoff, PhD, is an associate professor of human development at Cornell University. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Marburg, Germany, and her PhD from Stanford University. Her National Institutes of Health-funded research examines age differences in personality and emotions and their influence on health-related decisions, behaviors, and outcomes. A central goal is to optimize health care choices across the lifespan. Another line of her research examines lifelong trajectories in personality traits and their relation to mental and physical health.

Table of Contents


Karl Pillemer


Anthony D. Ong and Corinna E. Löckenhoff

I. Neural and Cognitive Mechanisms

  1. Default Mode Network and Later-Life Emotion Regulation: Linking Functional Connectivity Patterns and Emotional Outcomes 
    Bruna Martins and Mara Mather
  2. Age Differences in Use and Effectiveness of Positivity in Emotion Regulation: The Sample Case of Attention 
    Kimberly M. Livingstone and Derek M. Isaacowitz

II. Regulatory Frameworks

  1. Resources for Emotion Regulation in Older Age: Linking Cognitive Resources With Cognitive Reappraisal
    Heather L. Urry
  2. Regulatory Flexibility and Its Role in Adaptation to Aversive Events Throughout the Lifespan 
    Charles L. Burton and George A. Bonanno

III. Motivational Perspectives

  1. Happy to Be Unhappy? Pro- and Contrahedonic Motivations From Adolescence to Old Age 
    Michaela Riediger and Gloria Luong
  2. Emotional Aging in Different Cultures: Implications of Affect Valuation Theory 
    Jeanne L. Tsai and Tamara Sims

IV. Health Implications

  1. Bridging the Dynamic Aspects of Personality and Emotion That Influence Health 
    Emily D. Bastarache and Daniel K. Mroczek
  2. Positive Psychological Functioning: An Enduring Asset for Healthy Aging 
    Laura D. Kubzansky and Julia K. Boehm
  3. Emotional Experience and Health: What We Know, and Where to Go From Here 
    Susan T. Charles, Kate A. Leger, and Emily J. Urban

V. Interventions

  1. The Humanization of Social Relations: Nourishment for Resilience in Midlife 
    Alex J. Zautra, Frank J. Infurna, Eva K. Zautra, Carmen Écija Gallardo, and Lilian Velasco


About the Editors

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