The Entrepreneur's Guide to Managing Information Technology

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2008-03-30
Publisher(s): Greenwood Pub Group
List Price: $44.00

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Software. Hardware. Networks. Wireless. Entrepreneurs face a bewildering array of choices and decisions when it comes to incorporating technology into the fabric of their businesses. Yet nothing could be more important these days. Aligning information technology (IT) with business strategy is essential to meet and beat the competition. As business strategy and technology expert CJ Rhoads shows, managing information technology effectively is an essential skill that all entrepreneurs must develop, just as they develop skills in sales or finance. However, due to the immaturity of the IT industry, making good decisions about information technology is very difficult. Reliable and unbiased information is hard to find, and technical people are often unable to convey information in a way that makes sense to entrepreneurs. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Managing Information Technology to the rescue!

Table of Contents

Illustrationsp. vii
Acknowledgmentsp. ix
Introductionp. xiii
What Information Technology Is and Why We Need to Map Itp. 1
Pounce Like a Pantherp. 17
Why Non-IT People Find IT So Difficultp. 39
Why IT People Are So Difficultp. 52
The Essential Balance: Matching the Processp. 66
Why IT Vendors Are So Difficultp. 85
The Inside Secrets of Software and Hardware Vendorsp. 104
Getting the Most from Networkingp. 130
Appendicesp. 157
Technology Map Examplesp. 157
Common Technology Issues Most Business Leaders Experiencep. 173
Basic IT Ability and Experience Sample Assessmentp. 175
Referencesp. 177
Indexp. 179
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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