Series Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
One: Understanding Dyslexia 1
Two: A Brief History of Dyslexia 19
Three: The Brain and Dyslexia 43
Nancy Mather, Barbara Wendling, Martha Youman, Sally Shaywitz , and Bennett Shaywitz
Four: Genetics and the Environment 61
Five: Assessment of the Cognitive and Linguistic Correlates of Dyslexia 77
Six: Assessment of Decoding, Encoding, and Reading Fluency 105
Seven: Instruction in Phonological Awareness: Early Reading/Spelling Skills 135
Eight: Instruction in Basic Reading and Spelling Skills 147
Nine: Instruction in Reading Fluency 179
Ten: Technology Applications for Students With Dyslexia 199
Kathleen Puckett and Blanche O’Bannon
Eleven: Dyslexia in Different Languages and English Language Learners 223
Martha Youman
Twelve: Dyslexia in the Schools 241
Appendix Descriptions of Evidence-Based Programs 261
Glossary 323
References 333
Annotated Bibliography 365
About the Authors 369
Index 371