Essentials of Psychological Tele-Assessment

by ;
Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2021-02-03
Publisher(s): Wiley
List Price: $66.08

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Discover a comprehensive and practical guide to the use of tele-assessments in psychological testing from two leading voices in psychology. 

Essentials of Psychological Tele-Assessment delivers a primer on the current state of professional knowledge related to psychological tele-assessment, ranging from the ethical and empirical considerations to the practical applications of tele-assessment procedures. The overarching framework encourages the balancing of the limitations of the current state of the research literature with the very real needs for assessment services to continue, even when in-person procedures are not feasible. 

This book includes discussion on a broad range of tests and measures, with information related to both the state of the empirical support for tele-tests and measures, with information related to both the state of the empirical support for tele-assessment utilizing them and the practical 'how-to' for administering, scoring and interpreting daa that emerge from them. Additionally, frameworks for integrating the data that emerge from tele-assessment procedures are discussed. 

The book is applicable to those transitioning to tele-assessment practice and those training in a wide variety of training programs. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: 

- Practical checklists and information about specific tests must be adapted to the realities of the tele-health environment. 
- Information about how the resutls of tests should be interpreted differently to account for the tele-health environment. 
-Case examples and studies to illustrate many of the challenges of working in tele-assessment 
-Guidance on how to balance the limitations of the state of the empirical literature on the validity of tele-assessment with the real-world needs of clients. 

Perfect for psychologists and trainees in a variety of health services, including clinical, counseling, school and forensic psychology, Essentials of Psychological Tele-Assessment will also earn a place in the libraries of anyone utilizing or training in cognitive, developmental, neuropsychological, psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, and interpersonal models of psychological assessment.

Author Biography

A. JORDAN WRIGHT is Director of the Center for Counseling and Community Wellbeing at New York University and oversees the graduate psychological assessment curriculum. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Assessment Psychology and chaired the APA task force that developed guidelines for education and training in psychological assessment.

SUSAN ENGI RAIFORD is Senior Research Director and Wechsler Team Lead at Pearson Clinical Assessment. She was formerly a psychologist in private practice. She has written multiple assessment books and has many years of clinical work experience providing assessment, psychotherapy, and consultation to patients in inpatient, outpatient, school and residential settings.

Table of Contents

Series Preface - ix 

Chapter One - 1
The Landscape of Psychological Tele-Assessment 

Chapter Two - 21
Ethical Considerations in Psychological Tele-Assessment                           

Chapter Three - 39

Practical Considerations in Psychological Tele-Assessment                      

Chapter Four - 61

Norms, Equivalence, and Equating 

Chapter Five - 83

Principles for Psychological Tele-Assessment Interpretation of Data

Chapter Six - 97

Cognitive and Neuropsychological Tele-Assessment with Katy Genseke 

Chapter Seven - 195

Academic Achievement Tele-Assessment with Katy Genseke

Chapter Eight - 243

Personality, Emotional and Behavioral Tele-Assessment

Chapter Nine - 257

Case Studies in Psychological Tele-Assessment

References - 273

Case Study Contributors - 295

Index - 297 

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