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A successor to the extremely popularEssentials of WISC-III/WPPSI-R Assessment(0-471-34501-6), Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment provides beginning and seasoned clinicians comprehensive guidelines to administering, scoring, and interpreting the latest revision of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children. Featuring the popularEssentials format of call-out boxes, Test Yourself questions and step-by-step instructions, this handy resource also includes strengths and weaknesses of the instrument, practical clinical applications, and illustrative case reports. This detailed guide to using this immensely popular measure of intelligence is a must-have for anyone involved in the psychological testing of children.

Author Biography

Dawn P. Flanagan, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology at St. John&#8217;s University, Jamaica, New York, and the author of several books, including Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment (with Ortiz) and Essentials of WJ III&#174; Cognitive Abilities Assessment (with Schrank, Woodcock, and Mascolo). The theory upon which the WISC&#174;-IV is interpreted in this book&#8211;CHC theory&#8211;was first introduced in Dr. Flanagan&#8217;s book on the Wechsler Scales, published in 2000 (with McGrew and Ortiz). <p> Alan S. Kaufman, PhD, is a Professor at Yale University School of Medicine and is a series editor for the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series. He has written numerous books on the Wechsler Scales and intelligence testing, and is the author of several widely used assessment instruments.

Table of Contents

Series Prefacep. ix
Introduction and Overviewp. 1
How to Administer the WISC-IVp. 45
How to Score the WISC-IVp. 96
How to Interpret the WISC-IVp. 121
Strengths and Weaknesses of the WISC-IVp. 171
Clinical Applications: A Review of Special Group Studies with the WISC-IV and Assessment of Low-Incidence Populationsp. 183
Clinical Applications: Assessment of Gifted, Learning Disabled, and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populationsp. 216
Illustrative Case Reportsp. 255
Definitions of CHC Abilitiesp. 295
CHC Abilities Measured by Major Intelligence Testsp. 306
WISC-IV Subtest g-Loadings, by Age Group and Overall Samplep. 308
Psychometric, Theoretical, and Qualitative Characteristics of the WISC-IVp. 310
WISC-IV Interpretive Worksheetp. 322
General Ability Index (GAI) Conversion Tablep. 331
Summary of Analyses of WISC-IV Indexesp. 335
Norms Tables for Clinical Clustersp. 336
Referencesp. 345
Annotated Bibliographyp. 356
Indexp. 358
Acknowledgmentsp. 373
Authorsp. 374
Contributorsp. 374
Table of Contents provided by Rittenhouse. All Rights Reserved.

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