The Ethicurean Cookbook Recipes, Foods and Spirituous Liquors, from Our Bounteous Walled Gardens in the Several Seasons of the Year

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2013-05-01
Publisher(s): Ebury Press
List Price: $53.28

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The Ethicurean philosophy is simple: eat local, celebrate native foods, live well.The Ethicurean is quietly changing the face of modern British cooking,­ all from a walled garden in the heart of the Mendip Hills. The Ethicurean Cookbook follows a year in their magnificent kitchen and garden,­ and celebrates the greatest food, drink, and traditions of this fair land.The combinations are electric: confit rabbit is paired with lovage breadcrumbs, cured roe deer flirts with wood sorrel, and foraged nettle soup is fortified by a young Caerphilly. The salads are as fresh as a daisy: honeyed walnuts nestle amongst beetroot carpaccio, rich curd cheese is balanced by delicate cucumber. And the comfort of pies and puds—pork and juniper pie, Eccles cakes with Dorset Blue Vinny­—is only enhanced by the apple juice, cider, and beer poured in equal measure.With 120 recipes and a year of seasonal inspiration in photographs and words, Ethicureanism is a new British cooking manifesto.

Author Biography

The Ethicurean is inspired by shared passion for ethical eating and British seasonality, and was founded by four friends in their 20s at Barley Wood Walled Garden, a few miles to the west of Bristol, in 2010. Jack Adair-Bevan is a writer, wild meat hunter, and mixologist fascinated by food history. Paûla Zarate is the backbone of The Ethicurean. She gave up a previous career as senior legal counsel to support this sustainable venture. Matthew and Iain Pennington are self-taught chefs. They focus on balancing bold flavors and culinary technique fortified with foraged wild produce.

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