Experiential Approach to Organization Development

Edition: 8th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-01-06
Publisher(s): Pearson
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Customer Reviews

Required for class  May 26, 2014
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"Required to buy for class, this was the cheapest place I found it"

Great  June 21, 2011
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This textbook provides a comprehensive, realistic, innovative, and practical introduction to the field. It also presents both conceptual and experiential approaches as it focuses on the real world of organization development. Exciting examples and innovative applications show you how OD is applied in today's organizations, and what it takes to manage in a changing world. As for me, I'm very happy to deal with ecampus. The book looks as if it is new and the price was good. Thanks.

Experiential Approach to Organization Development: 3.5 out of 5 stars based on 2 user reviews.


A conceptual and experiential approach to understanding organizational development.

With a focus on the development of readers’ interpersonal skills, Experiential Approach to Organization Development provides a comprehensive, realistic, innovative, and practical introduction to the field.

The eighth edition presents new and revised information, keeping the material fresh and relevant.

A book that makes the complex and fascinating world of managing people easy to grasp and enjoyable to study!

In this new sixth edition of their successful book, Don Harvey and Don Brown give you an integrated and comprehensive view of the field of organization development. Whether you are an introductory student, a novice in the field, or a practicing manager, these authors make it simple to understand and utilize the newest approaches, concepts, and techniques.

User friendly, practical, and realistic, An Experiential Approach to Organization Development, Sixth Edition, presents both conceptual and experiential approaches as it focuses on the real world of organization development. Exciting examples and innovative applications show you how OD is applied in today's organizations, and what it takes to manage in a changing world.

In addition, you'll find

-The most up to date coverage of important topics, such as: the learning organization, managing diversity, empowerment, changing the corporate culture, and self-managed work teams.

-Thorough coverage of open systems and contingencies.

-Self-learning, experiential exercises that take theories and principles and bring them to life in team activities.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Organizational Development and Reinventing the Organization
Chapter 2. Organization Renewal: The Challenge of Change
Chapter 3. Changing the Culture
Chapter 4. Role and Style of the OD Practitioner
Chapter 5. The Diagnostic Process
Chapter 6. Overcoming Resistance to Change
Chapter 7. OD Intervention Strategies
Chapter 8. Process Intervention Skills
Chapter 9. Employee Empowerment and Interpersonal Interventions
Chapter 10. Team Development Interventions
Chapter 11. Intergroup Development
Chapter 12. Goal Setting for Effective Organizations
Chapter 13. Work Team Development
Chapter 14. High-Performing Systems and the Learning Organization
Chapter 15. Organization Transformation and Strategic Change
Chapter 16. The Challenge and the Future for Organizations

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