Farm City : The Education of an Urban Farmer

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-05-25
Publisher(s): Penguin (Non-Classics)
List Price: $18.00

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Customer Reviews

Totally enjoyable  May 1, 2011
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I totally enjoyed this rental textbook. Novella's writing style is easy, humorous, yet straight to the point. It was a fascinating read of one super-small-time farmer's experience with great bounty and sometimes great loss. Right now there is a major movement towards local food production, self sufficiency and a less energy intensive lifestyle happening in our country. The textbook's cover made no secret of the fact that Novella's farm included livestock. I think she did an excellent job of showing how much goes into feeding and caring for the animals that will eventually feed us.

Farm City : The Education of an Urban Farmer: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


An unforgettably charming memoir, Farm City is full of hilarious moments, fascinating farmer's tips, and a great deal of heart. When Novella Carpenter-captivated by the idea of backyard self-sufficiency- moved to inner city Oakland and discovered a weed-choked, garbage- strewn abandoned lot next door to her house, she closed her eyes and pictured heirloom tomatoes and a chicken coop.

The story of how her urban farm grew from a few chickens to one populated with turkeys, geese, rabbits, ducks, and two three-hundred-pound pigs will capture the imagination of anyone who has ever considered leaving the city behind for a more natural lifestyle.

"By turns edgy, moving, and hilarious." -Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food

Author Biography

Novella Carpenter grew up in rural Idaho and Washington State. She studied under Michael Pollan for two years while attending University of California-Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism. Her writing has appeared on and (the San Francisco Chronicle's Web site), and in Mother Jones and Food & Wine. She lives in Oakland, California.

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