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Customer Reviews
Foundations of American Education emphasizes the defining topics in education today – a diverse population, an increasingly globalized society, and the impact of standards and assessment on student learning. Explore this text to gain an understanding of how the evolution of education affects today’s teaching and learning in a constantly changing world.
Read, think about, and respond to current educational issues through an engaging ABC News and Video Insight feature providing video and thought-provoking questions connecting chapter content to current and controversial issues in education. In addition, a Controversial Issue feature asks you to consider your values and beliefs as you read about and reflect on controversial school issues complete with for and against statements for your consideration.
Readers will find a new chapter on Assessment, an important part of the teaching and learning process, of particular interest as it highlights the major purposes and types of educational assessment and the role of assessment in standards-based education. A heavily-revised chapter on Education in a Global Context focuses on current educational trends including globalization, changing demographics, and the role of technology in this global environment.
Table of Contents
The Teaching Profession | |
Status of the Profession | |
Development of the Profession | |
Philosophy and Its Impact on the Schools | |
The Major Philosophies | |
The Impact of Educational Theories on Educational Practice | |
Historical Foundations of Education | |
American Education: European Heritage and Colonial Experience | |
American Education: From Revolution to the Twentieth Century | |
Modern American Education: From the Progressive Movement to the Present | |
Schooling in a Diverse and Multicultural Society | |
The Social and Cultural Contexts of Schooling: Their Influence and Consequence | |
Responding to Diversity | |
Students at Risk and At-Risk Behaviors | |
Legal and Political Control and Financial Support | |
Legal Framework for the Public Schools | |
Teachers, Students, and the Law | |
Governance and Financing of Elementary and Secondary Schools | |
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Effective Schools | |
Curriculum and Instruction | |
Standards and Assessment | |
Education in a Global Context | |
The Future of Education in a Global Society | |
Glossary | |
References | |
Author Index | |
Subject Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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