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In The Founders on God and Government, Daniel L. Dreisbach, Mark David Hall, and Jeffry H. Morrison bring together noted scholars to explore the role religion played in the political thoughts and deeds of nine founding fathers. The result is a seminal work that deepens our understanding of the relationship between faith and politics at America's founding.

Table of Contents

Foreword: Religious Liberty ix
Michael Novak
Preface xvii
Religion and the Common Good: George Washington on Church and State
Vincent Phillip Munoz
One Public Religion, Many Private Religions: John Adams and the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution
John Witte Jr.
The Religious Rhetoric of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas E. Buckley
Religion and Politics in the Thought of James Madison
Garrett Ward Sheldon
John Witherspoon's Revolutionary Religion
Jeffry H. Morrison
Benjamin Franklin and the Role of Religion in Governing Democracy
Howard L. Lubert
James Wilson: Presbyterian, Anglican, Thomist, or Deist? Does It Matter?
Mark D. Hall
George Mason's Pursuit of Religious Liberty in Revolutionary Virginia
Daniel L. Dreisbach
Catholic Politics and Religious Liberty in America: The Carrolls of Maryland
James R. Stoner
Afterword: Revolutionary-Era Americans: Were They Enlightened or Protestant? Does It Matter? 273(26)
Barry Alan Shain
Bibliography 299(6)
Index 305(8)
About the Contributors 313

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