GMAT Official Guide 2022 Book + Online Question Bank

by Unknown
Edition: 6th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2021-06-16
Publisher(s): Wiley
List Price: $47.95

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Your GMAT prep begins here. Designed by the makers of the GMAT exam. 

Your official source of real GMAT questions from past exams. 

Study with practice questions from past GMAT exams. Get comprehensive practice by studying with over 1,000 questions across quantitative and verbal reasoning, analytical writing, and integrated reasoning. Answer explanations included so that you can study the reasoning behind the answers to help improve your performance. The questions in each section are organized by difficulty level: easy, medium and hard. Start at the beginning and work your way up to the hard questions as you build upon your knowledge.  

The GMAT Official Guide 2022 provides 3 ways to study:  

Book: Know what to expect on the GMAT exam 

  • Learn the exam structure: Start with the verbal and quantitative review chapters followed by practice questions.  
  • Review common quantitative formulas and concepts using quick reference sheets. 
  • Master verbal and quantitative reasoning by difficulty level and studying detailed answer explanations.  

 Online Tools: Focus your studying – Bonus: included with purchase!  

  • Take our Diagnostic Evaluation to discover your strengths and focus areas for each fundamental skill. 
  • Practice online with the same questions from the book PLUS 174 additional online-exclusive questions.   
  • Create custom practice sets by difficulty level and by fundamental skill. 
  • Track your progress using performance metrics. 
  • Prepare for exam day by timing your practicing in exam mode. 
  • Test your knowledge of key concepts with flash cards.  

Mobile App: Practice on the go 

  • Study offline after downloading the question sets. 
  • Sync between devices. Start on your phone, finish on your computer  

The GMAT Official Guide 2022 gives you all the tools you need to confidently prepare for test day.  

This product includes print book with a unique code to access the GMAT Online Question Bank and mobile app. 

Author Biography

The Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) is the association of leading graduate business schools around the world. GMAC's mission is to meet the needs of business schools and students through a wide array of products, services, and programs, and the organization serves as a primary resource of research and information about quality graduate management education. GMAC is the owner and administrator of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). Created in 1954, the GMAT is the first and only standardized test specifically designed for graduate business and management programs. Available in over 100 countries, it is the global standard for entry to the MBA degree course. Currently about 2,100 schools and 5,900 programs have adopted the GMAT, and the test is taken approximately 250,000 times annually.

Table of Contents

Letter from the President and CEO, GMAC vii

1.0 What is the GMAT Exam? 2

1.0 What is the GMAT Exam? 3

1.1 Why Take the GMAT Exam? 3

1.2 GMAT Exam Format 4

1.3 What Will the Test Experience Be Like? 5

1.4 What is the Content of the GMAT Exam Like? 6

1.5 Analytical Writing Assessment Section 6

1.6 Integrated Reasoning Section 7

1.7 Quantitative Reasoning Section 7

1.8 Verbal Reasoning Section 7

1.9 How Are Scores Calculated? 8

2.0 How to Prepare 10

2.0 How to Prepare 11

2.1 How Should I Prepare to Take the Test? 11

2.2 Getting Ready for Exam Day 11

2.3 How to Use the GMAT Official Guide 12

2.4 How to Use Other GMAT Official Prep Products 12

2.5 General Test-Taking Suggestions 13

3.0 Math Review 16

3.0 Math Review 17

3.1 Value, Order, and Factors 18

3.2 Algebra, Equalities, and Inequalities 27

3.3 Rates, Ratios, and Percents 41

3.4 Statistics, Sets, Counting, Probability, Estimation, and Series 54

3.5 Geometry 72

3.6 Reference Sheets 93

4.0 Problem Solving 108

4.0 Problem Solving 109

4.1 Test-Taking Strategies 110

4.2 Section Instructions 110

4.3 Practice Questions 112

4.4 Answer Key 153

4.5 Answer Explanations 155

5.0 Data Sufficiency 254

5.0 Data Sufficiency 255

5.1 Test-Taking Strategies 256

5.2 Section Instructions 258

5.3 Practice Questions 260

5.4 Answer Key 284

5.5 Answer Explanations 286

6.0 Verbal Review 382

6.0 Verbal Reasoning 383

6.1 Verbal Review 384

6.2 Analyzing Passages 384

6.3 Inductive Reasoning 399

6.4 Deductive Reasoning 412

6.5 Grammar and Style 424

7.0 Reading Comprehension 444

7.0 Reading Comprehension 445

7.1 What is Measured 445

7.2 Test-Taking Strategies 453

7.3 Section Instructions 454

7.4 Practice Questions 455

7.5 Answer Key 518

7.6 Answer Explanations 519

8.0 Critical Reasoning 608

8.0 Critical Reasoning 609

8.1 What is Measured 609

8.2 Test-Taking Strategies 611

8.3 Section Instructions 613

8.4 Practice Questions 614

8.5 Answer Key 664

8.6 Answer Explanations 665

9.0 Sentence Correction 836

9.0 Sentence Correction 837

9.1 Some Comments About How It Works 837

9.2 The Eight Sentence Correction Categories 838

9.3 Study Suggestions 857

9.4 What is Measured 857

9.5 Test-Taking Strategies 858

9.6 Section Instructions 858

9.7 Practice Questions 859

9.8 Answer Key 895

9.9 Answer Explanations 896

10.0 Integrated Reasoning 1006

10.0 Integrated Reasoning 1007

10.1 What is Measured 1008

10.2 Question Types and Test-Taking Strategies 1009

10.3 Section Instructions 1015

11.0 Analytical Writing Assessment 1016

11.0 Analytical Writing Assessment 1017

11.1 What is Measured 1017

11.2 Test-Taking Strategies 1018

11.3 The Directions 1018

11.4 GMAT Scoring Guide: Analysis of an Argument 1019

11.5 Sample: Analysis of an Argument 1021

12.0 GMAT Official Guide Question Index 1026

12.0 GMAT Official Guide Question Index 1027

Appendix A Answer Sheets 1066

Problem Solving Answer Sheet 1067

Data Sufficiency Answer Sheet 1069

Reading Comprehension Answer Sheet 1071

Critical Reasoning Answer Sheet 1072

Sentence Correction Answer Sheet 1073

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