There is a God

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-06-08
Publisher(s): HarperCollins Publications
List Price: $16.99

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Customer Reviews

An interesting and honest book  August 2, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

A very interesting textbook, which approaches Mr. Flew's journey away from faith in no God to a faith in God based not on a blind choice, but on the facts as he sees them. It was a result of a decision he had made early in his life to follow truth anywhere it would lead him. A most compelling textbook.

There is a God: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


In There Is a God, one of the world's preeminent atheists discloses how his commitment to "follow the argument wherever it leads" led him to a belief in God as Creator.

This is a compelling and refreshingly open-minded argument that will forever change the atheism debate.

“A very clear and readable book tracing his path back to theism, revealing his total openness to new rational arguments.” (Richard Swinburne, author of The Existence of God )

“This is a remarkable book in many ways.” (Huston Smith, author of The World's Religions )

Table of Contents

Prefacep. VII
Introductionp. 1
My Denial of the Divinep. 7
The Creation of an Atheistp. 9
Where the Evidence Leadsp. 31
Atheism Calmly Consideredp. 65
My Discovery of the Divinep. 83
A Pilgrimage of Reasonp. 85
Who Wrote the Laws of Nature?p. 95
Did the Universe Know We Were Coming?p. 113
How Did Life Go Live?p. 123
Did Something Come from Nothing?p. 133
Finding Space for Godp. 147
Open to Omnipotencep. 155
Appendicesp. 159
The "New Atheism": A Critical Appraisal of Dawkins, Dennett, Wolpert, Harris, and Stengerp. 161
The Self-Revelation of God in Human History: A Dialogue on Jesus with N.T. Wrightp. 185
Notesp. 215
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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