Great Australian Journeys Gripping Stories of Intrepid Explorers, Dramatic Escapes and Foolhardy Adventures

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2018-05-01
Publisher(s): Allen & Unwin
List Price: $20.21

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'Graham Seal has the knack of the storyteller' - Warren Fahey AM

Australia's history is one of epic journeys, intrepid explorers and mysterious disappearances in far flung places. From perilous sea voyages to the distant south land, to forays across vast deserts on horseback, they are stories of endurance and misadventure, survival and loss.

Master storyteller Graham Seal has gathered together a gripping collection of famous and lesser-known journeys by land, sea and air in the 19th and early 20th centuries. As Warren Fahey writes in his foreword, 'Some journeys, like those of Burke and Wills, Lasseter's First Find, and the razing of the riverboat Rodney, are relatively well known. Others, mostly unknown, are tales of bravado, determination and, sometimes, sheer madness.'

From the comfort and safety of your armchair you can join some of Australia's bravest and also some of its most foolhardy men and women in their adventures.

Author Biography

Graham Seal is Professor of Folklore at Curtin University, and a leading expert on Australian cultural history. He is the bestselling author of Great Australian Stories, Larrikins, Bush Tales and Other Great Australian Stories, and The Savage Shore.

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