Greenhouse Operation and Management

Edition: 7th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2011-05-03
Publisher(s): Pearson
List Price: $288.26

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Based on the author's life-long practical experiences both in the industry and in research, this best-selling, state-of-the-art guide to the operation of commercial flower and vegetable greenhouses presents coverage in the order in which decision-making concerns occur. Exceptionally comprehensiveyet accessibleit provides detailed, step-by-step instructions in layman's terms for ALL aspects of the businessfrom the physical facilities, to the day-to-day operations, to business management and marketing.Specific chapter topics cover greenhouse construction, heating, and cooling; environmental control systems; root substrate; root substrate pasteurization; watering; fertilization; alternative cropping system; carbon dioxide fertilization; light and temperature; chemical growth regulation; insect control; disease control; postproduction quality; marketing; and business management.For individuals entering the greenhouse business.

Table of Contents

1. Floriculture–A Global Industry.
 2. Greenhouse Construction.
 3. Greenhouse Heating.
 4. Greenhouse Cooling.
 5. Environmental Control Systems.
 6. Root Substrate.
 7. Root Substrate Pasteurization.
 8. Watering.
 9. Fertilization.
10. Carbon Dioxide Fertilization.
11. Light and Temperature.
12. Regulation of Plant Growth.
13. Insect and Mite Management in Greenhouses
14. Disease Management.
15. Maintaining Postproduction Quality.
16. Marketing.
17. Business Management.

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