Health Psychology Biopsychosocial Interactions

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Edition: 10th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2022-01-12
Publisher(s): Wiley
List Price: $146.66

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Explore multiple disciplines to understand the impact of psychology on health, and vice versa

In the newly revised 10th edition of Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions, a team of dedicated psychologists delivers an insightful and multidisciplinary demonstration of the impact of psychology and health on one another. Relying heavily on cross-cultural data, the book offers a sweeping and inclusive picture of health psychology and includes local and global research and case studies.

The authors have included boxed materials in each chapter that directs the reader’s attention to the right information at the right time. Behavioral, physiological, cognitive, and social/personality viewpoints are addressed throughout the text and a strong focus on lifespan development in health and illness pervades the material. Readers will also find:

  • Psychological perspectives on a wide variety of health issues from various parts of the world
  • Highlights of what works for practicing psychologists and what doesn’t when their work intersects with other fields in health
  • Expansive treatments of topics like the effect of stress on health, the impact of adverse childhood experiences, and the interaction between religiosity and health

Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions is an essential resource for undergraduate students in psychology with an interest in health. It’s also invaluable for allied health professionals, addictions counselors, dietitians and nutritionists, and social workers seeking an authoritative resource on the effect of psychology on their daily work.

Table of Contents

PART I An Introduction: Basic Issues and Processes 1

Chapter 1 An Overview of Psychology and Health 1

Chapter 2 The Body’s Physical Systems 30

PART II Stress, Illness, and Coping 57

Chapter 3 Stress—Its Meaning, Impact, and Sources 57

Chapter 4 Stress, Biopsychosocial Factors, and Illness 82

Chapter 5 Coping with and Reducing Stress 112

PART III Lifestyles to Enhance Health and Prevent Illness 135

Chapter 6 Health-Related Behavior and Health Promotion 135

Chapter 7 Substance Use and Abuse 167

Chapter 8 Nutrition, Weight Control and Diet, Exercise, and Safety 201

PART IV Becoming Ill and Getting Medical Treatment 233

Chapter 9 Using Health Services 233

Chapter 10 In The Hospital: The Setting, Procedures, and Effects on Patients 261

PART V Physical Symptoms: Pain and Discomfort 290

Chapter 11 The Nature and Symptoms of Pain 290

Chapter 12 Managing and Controlling Clinical Pain 316

PART VI Chronic and Life-Threatening Health Problems 339

Chapter 13 Serious and Disabling Chronic Illnesses: Causes, Management, and Coping 339

Chapter 14 Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, and AIDS: Causes, Management, and Coping 368

PART VII Looking to the Future 397

Chapter 15 What’s Ahead for Health Psychology? 397

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