The Hero Within

Edition: 3rd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-05-12
Publisher(s): HarperCollins Publications
List Price: $15.99

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Customer Reviews

Wonderful Book  May 26, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

This textbook really helped me to embrace the different stages in life and showed me how to grow into who I want to be. I was extremely pleased with its content, and found that I had experienced all of the archetypal stages in my life in some form or another. Most people will find themselves a better person having read this textbook. I would highly recommend this textbook to everyone.

The Hero Within: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.



In 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces', Joseph Campbell introduced readers to the significance of myth and archetype in understanding who we are and how we live our lives. Carol Pearson's best-selling 'The Hero Within' combines liter.

This book is an excellent introduction to Jungian thought. It is excellent for anyone who feels "stuck" in life. It is wonderful for people who want to understand themselves and others more deeply, especially with regard to developing higher possibilities. It is a book which helps you discover, and encourages you to pursue, what is most admirable within you.

Table of Contents

Preface ix(5)
Changes from the Second Edition xiv(5)
Uses of This Book xix(2)
Acknowledgments xxi
Part One: The Heroic Journey: The Map 3(214)
Introduction: Making a Difference: The Heroic Journey 3(14)
1. Choosing Freedom: The Guides
2. Surviving Difficulty: From the Innocent to the Orphan
3. Finding Yourself: The Wanderer
4. Proving Your Worth: The Warrior
5. Showing Generosity: The Altruist
6. Achieving Happiness: The Innocent's Return
7. Transforming Your Life: The Magician
Part Two: Personal Mastery: The Guidebook 217(72)
Introduction: Personal Mastery: Inner Resource Development 217(12)
8. Honoring Your Life: The Route
9. Troubleshooting When You Get Lost or Stuck: The Compass
10. The Ethics of the Journey: The Code
Appendix A: The Heroic Myth Self-Test 289(18)
Part I: How I See Myself 289(3)
Part II: How Others See Me 292(3)
Part III: The Influence of My Family of Origin 295(3)
Part IV: The Influence of My Current Family 298(3)
Part V: The Influence of My Current Workplace (or School) 301(3)
Part VI: Putting It All Together 304(3)
Appendix B: Guidelines for Heroic Journey Groups 307(4)
Appendix C: Creating Heroic Environments 311(10)
Heroic Families 311(1)
Heroic Schools 312(1)
Heroic Workplaces 313(2)
Heroic Psychotherapy, Coaching, and Counseling 315(1)
Heroic Recovery 316(2)
Heroic Politics, Economics, and Government 318(3)
Appendix D: The Awakening the Heroes Within Twelve-Archetype Model: Notes and Resources 321(4)
About the Author 325(2)
Bibliography: Suggested Reading 327(4)
Notes 331

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