A History of World Societies, Value Edition, Volume 2

by ; ; ; ; ;
Edition: 12th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2020-09-28
Publisher(s): Bedford/St. Martin's
List Price: $88.70

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A History of World Societies provides a concise overview of world history by sharing the cultural stories of global people -- all through a regional lens.

Table of Contents

NOTE: LaunchPad material that does not appear in the print book – including guided reading exercises, quizzes for sources and features, LearningCurve adaptive quizzes, summative quizzes, all of the documents from the companion reader Sources for World Societies, and quizzes for each of the documents in the companion reader – has been labeled on this table of contents as shown. Each chapter in LaunchPad also comes with a wealth of additional documents, key terms flashcards, map quizzes, and much more, all of which can be easily integrated and assigned.

Versions and Supplements 
Maps, Figures, and Tables


The Acceleration of Global Contact


The Afro-Eurasian Trade World

The Trade World of the Indian Ocean • Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia • Muslim Influences and African Trade • Genoese and Venetian Middlemen

The European Voyages of Discovery

Causes of European Expansion • Technology and the Rise of Exploration • The Portuguese in Africa and Asia • Spain’s Voyages to the Americas • Spain "Discovers" the Pacific • Early Exploration by Northern European Powers

Conquest and Settlement

Spanish Conquest of the Aztec and Inca Empires • Portuguese Brazil • Colonial Administration • Economic Exploitation of the Indigenous Population • Patterns of Settlement

The Era of Global Contact

Population Loss and the Ecological Impacts of Contact • Sugar and Early Transatlantic Slavery • Spanish Silver and Its Economic Effects • The Birth of the Global Economy

Changing Attitudes and Beliefs

Religious Conversion • European Debates About Indigenous Peoples • New Ideas About Race

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The Islamic World Powers


The Islamic Empires: The Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals

Environmental Challenges • The Expansion of the Ottoman Empire • Land-Holding, Slavery and Imperial Administrations • The Safavid Empire in Persia • The Mughal Empire in India

Religious Developments

Religious Legitimacy and Orthodoxy • Sufism • Non-Muslims Under Muslim Rule

Cultural Flowering

The Arts • City and Palace Building • Gardens • Intellectual Advances

New Patterns of Trade and European Penetration

New Forms of Consumption • The Impact of Gunpowder • European Trade in Asia and the Islamic Powers’ Response • From the British East India Company to the British Empire in India

Political Decline

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European Power and Expansion


The Protestant and Catholic Reformations

The Protestant Reformation • The Catholic Reformation • Religious Violence

Seventeenth-Century Crisis and Rebuilding

The Social Order and Peasant Life • Environmental, Economic, and Social Crisis • The Thirty Years’ War • European Achievements in State-Building

Absolutist States in Western and Central Europe

Spain • The Foundations of French Absolutism • Louis XIV and Absolutism • The Wars of Louis XIV • The Absolutist Palace • The Austrian Habsburgs

Alternatives to Absolutism

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth • The Failure of Absolutism in England • The Puritan Protectorate • Constitutional Monarchy • The Dutch Republic

Colonial Expansion and Empire

The Dutch Trading Empire • Colonial Empires of England and France • Mercantilism and Colonial Wars • People Beyond Borders

The Russian Empire

Mongol Rule in Russia and the Rise of Moscow • Building the Russian Empire • Peter the Great and Russia’s Turn to the West

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New Worldviews and Ways of Life


The Scientific Revolution

The Muslim Contribution • Scientific Thought to 1550 • Astronomy and Physics • Newton’s Synthesis • Natural History and Empire • Magic and Alchemy

Important Changes in Scientific Thinking and Practice

The Methods of Science • Medicine, the Body, and Chemistry • Science and Religion • Science and Society

The Rise and Spread of Enlightenment

The Early Enlightenment • The Influence of the Philosophes • Enlightenment Movements Across Europe

Key Issues of Enlightenment Debate

Global Contacts • New Definitions of Race • Women and the Enlightenment • Enlightened Absolutism and Its Limits

Economic Change and the Atlantic World

Economic and Demographic Change • The Atlantic Economy • Urban Life and the Public Sphere • Culture and Community in the Atlantic World • The Atlantic Enlightenment

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Africa and the World


West Africa in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries

The West Coast: Senegambia and Benin • The Sudan: Songhai, Kanem-Bornu, and Hausaland • Agriculture, Gender, and Marriage in West Africa • Trade and Industry

Cross-Cultural Encounters Along the East African Coast

Muslim and European Incursions in Ethiopia, ca. 1500–1630 • The Swahili City-States and the Arrival of the Portuguese, ca. 1500–1600

The African Slave Trade

The Institution of Slavery in Africa • The Transatlantic Slave Trade • Impact on African Societies

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Continuity and Change in East Asia


Ming China, 1368–1644

The Rise of Zhu Yuanzhang and the Founding of the Ming Dynasty • Problems with the Imperial Institution • The Mongols and the Great Wall • The Examination Life • Everyday Life in Ming China • Ming Decline

The Manchus and Qing China, to 1800

The Rise of the Manchus • Competent and Long-Lived Emperors • Imperial Expansion

Japan’s Middle Ages, ca. 1400–1600

Muromachi Culture • Civil War • The Victors: Nobunaga and Hideyoshi

The Tokugawa Shogunate, to 1800

Tokugawa Government • Commercialization and the Growth of Towns • The Life of the People in the Edo Period

Maritime Trade, Piracy, and the Entry of Europe into the Asian Maritime Sphere

Zheng He’s Voyages • Piracy and Japan’s Overseas Adventures • Europeans Enter the Scene • Christian Missionaries • Learning from the West • The Shifting International Environment in the Eighteenth Century

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Revolutions in the Atlantic World


Background to Revolution

Social Change • Demands for Liberty and Equality • The Seven Years’ War

The American Revolutionary Era, 1775–1789

The Origins of the Revolution • Independence from Britain • Framing the Constitution • Limitations of Liberty and Equality

Revolution in France, 1789–1799

Breakdown of the Old Order • The National Assembly • Constitutional Monarchy • The National Convention • The Directory

Napoleon’s Europe, 1799–1815

Napoleon’s Rule of France • Napoleon’s Expansion in Europe • The Grand Empire and Its End

The Haitian Revolution, 1791–1804

Revolutionary Aspirations in Saint-Domingue • The Outbreak of Revolt • The War of Haitian Independence

Revolutions in Latin America

The Origins of the Revolutions Against Colonial Powers • Resistance, Rebellion, and Independence • The Aftermath of Revolution in the Atlantic World

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The Revolution in Energy and Industry


The Industrial Revolution in Britain

Why Britain? • Technological Innovations and Early Factories • Steam Power and the Energy Revolution • Breakthrough • Steam-Powered Transportation • Industry and Population

Industrialization in Europe and the World

National and International Variations • Industrialization in Continental Europe • Agents of Industrialization • The Global Picture

New Patterns of Working and Living

Work in Early Factories • Working Families and Children • The Sexual Division of Labor • Living Standards for the Working Class Environmental Impacts of Industrialization

Relations Between Capital and Labor

The New Class of Factory Owners • Responses to Industrialization • The Early Labor Movement in Britain • The Impact of Slavery

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Ideologies of Change in Europe


A Conservative Peace Gives Way to Radical Ideas

The Political and Social Situation After 1815 • Conservatism After 1815 • Liberalism and the Middle Class • The Growing Appeal of Nationalism • The Birth of Socialism

Reforms and Revolutions, 1815–1850

Social and Economic Conflict • Liberal Reform in Great Britain • Revolutions in France •

The Revolutions of 1848 in Central Europe

Nation Building in Italy, Germany, and Russia

Cavour, Garibaldi, and the Unification of Italy • Bismarck and German Unification • The Modernization of Russia

Urban Life in the Age of Ideologies

Improving the Urban Environment • Social Inequality and Class • The Changing Family • Science for the Masses • Cultural Shifts

Nationalism and Socialism, 1871–1914

Trends in Suffrage • The German Empire • Republican France • Great Britain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire • Jewish Emancipation and Modern Anti-Semitism • The Socialist Movement

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Africa, the Ottoman Empire, and the New Imperialism


Africa: From the Slave Trade to European Colonial Rule

Trade and Social Change • Islamic Revival and Expansion in Africa • The Scramble for Africa, 1880–1914 • Southern Africa in the Nineteenth Century • Colonialism’s Impact After 1900

The New Imperialism, 1880–1914

Causes of the New Imperialism • A "Civilizing Mission" • Critics of Imperialism • African and Asian Resistance

The Islamic Heartland Under Pressure

Decline and Reform in the Ottoman Empire • Egypt: From Reform to British Occupation •

The Expanding World Economy

The Rise of Global Inequality • The World Market

The Great Global Migration

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Asia and the Pacific in the Era of Imperialism


India and the British Empire in Asia

The Evolution of British Rule • The Socioeconomic Effects of British Rule • The British and the Indian Educated Elite

Competition for Southeast Asia

The Dutch East Indies • Mainland Southeast Asia • The Philippines

China Under Pressure

The Opium War • Internal Problems • The Self-Strengthening Movement • Republican Revolution

Japan’s Rapid Transformation

The "Opening" of Japan • The Meiji Restoration • Industrialization • Japan as an Imperial Power

The Pacific Region and the Movement of People

Settler Colonies in the Pacific: Australia and New Zealand • Asian Emigration

The Countries of Asia in Comparative Perspective

The Impact of Foreign Domination • Environmental and Economic Forces

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The Americas in the Age of Liberalism


New Nations

Liberalism and Caudillos in Spanish America • Mexico and the United States • Liberal Reform in Mexico • Brazil: A New World Monarchy

Slavery and Abolition

Slave Societies in the Americas • Independence and Abolition • Abolition in Cuba and Brazil

Export-Led Growth and Social Unrest

Latin America Re-enters the World Economy • The Porfiriato and Liberal Stability in Mexico • The Mexican Revolution


Immigration to Latin America • Immigration to the United States • Immigration to Canada • Settler Colonialism and its Impacts

A New American Empire

U.S. Intervention in Latin America • The Spanish-American War • The Panama Canal

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World War and Revolution


The First World War, 1914–1918

Origins and Causes of the Great War • The Outbreak of War • Stalemate and Slaughter • The War Becomes Global

The Home Front

Mobilizing for Total War • The Social Impact of War • Growing Political Tensions

The Russian Revolution

The Fall of Imperial Russia • The Provisional Government • Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution • Dictatorship and Civil War

The War’s Consequences

The End of the War • The Paris Peace Treaties • American Rejection of the Versailles Treaty

The Search for Peace and Political Stability, 1919–1929

Germany and the Western Powers • Hope in Foreign Affairs • Hope in Democratic Government

The Age of Anxiety

Uncertainty in Philosophy and Religion • The New Physics • Freudian Psychology • Twentieth-Century Literature • Modern Architecture, Art, and Music • Movies and Radio

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Nationalism in Asia


The First World War’s Impact on Nationalist Trends

Asian Reaction to the War in Europe • The Mandates System • Nationalism’s Appeal

Nationalist Movements in the Middle East

The Arab Revolt • The Turkish Revolution • Modernization Efforts in Persia and Afghanistan • Gradual Independence in the Arab States • Arab-Jewish Tensions in Palestine

Toward Self-Rule in India

British Promises and Repression • The Roots of Militant Nonviolence • Gandhi’s Resistance Campaign in India

Nationalist Struggles in East and Southeast Asia

The Rise of Nationalist China • China’s Intellectual Revolution • From Liberalism to Ultranationalism in Japan • Japan Against China • Striving for Independence in Southeast Asia

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The Great Depression and World War II


The Great Depression, 1929–1939

The Economic Crisis • Mass Unemployment • The New Deal in the United States • The European Response to the Depression • Worldwide Effects

Authoritarian States

Conservative Authoritarianism • Radical Totalitarian Dictatorships

Stalin’s Soviet Union

From Lenin to Stalin • The Five-Year Plans • Life and Culture in Soviet Society • Stalinist Terror and the Great Purges

Mussolini and Fascism in Italy

The Seizure of Power • The Regime in Action

Hitler and Nazism in Germany

The Roots of Nazism • Hitler’s Road to Power • The Nazi State and Society • Hitler’s Popularity • Aggression and Appeasement, 1933–1939

The Second World War, 1939–1945

Hitler’s Empire in Europe, 1939–1942 • The Holocaust • Japan’s Asian Empire • The Grand Alliance • The War in Europe, 1942–1945 • The War in the Pacific, 1942–1945

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Decolonization, Revolution, and the Cold War


The World Remade

The Cold War • The United Nations • The Politics of Liberation • Dependency and Development Theories • Interpreting the Postcolonial Experience

Nation Building in South Asia and the Middle East

Independence in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh • Arab Socialism in the Middle East • The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Revolution and Resurgence in East and Southeast Asia

The Communist Victory in China • Conflict in Korea • Japan’s American Reconstruction • The Vietnam War

Decolonization in Africa

The Growth of African Nationalism • Ghana Shows the Way • Countries Emerging from French Rule

Populist and Revolutionary Pathways in Latin America

Economic Nationalism in Mexico • Populism in Argentina and Brazil • Communist Revolution in Cuba

The Limits of Postwar Prosperity

The Soviet Union Struggles to Move Beyond Stalin • Postwar Challenges in Western Europe and the United States • The World in 1968

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Liberalization and Liberation


Oil Shocks and Liberalization

The OPEC Oil Embargo • Mexico Under the PRI • Nigeria, Africa’s Giant The Camp David Accords and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Revolution and War in Iran and Iraq

Latin America: Dictatorship, Debt, and Democratization

Civil Wars in Central America • Boom and Bust in Chile • The Dirty War in Argentina • Development and Dictatorship in Brazil

Gender, Race and Liberation

Gay Liberation • Second-Wave and Third World Feminism • Pan-Africanism, Black Power and the African Diaspora

Resistance to White Rule in Southern Africa

Portuguese Decolonization and Rhodesia • South Africa Under Apartheid • Political Change in Africa Since 1990

Growth and Development in Asia

Japan’s Economic Miracle and the Emergence of the "Asian Tigers" • China’s Economic Resurgence • Development Versus Democracy in India and Pakistan

The End of the Cold War

The Limits of Reform in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe • Recasting Russia Without Communism • Integration and Reform in Europe

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The Contemporary World in Historical Perspective

The Neoliberal World and Its Limits

Al-Qaeda and Afghanistan • Conflict and Change in the Middle East • Right Wing Nationalism Re-emerges

Global Circulation and Exchange

Migration • Urbanization • Multinational Corporations

Social Movements

Children: The Right to Childhood • Women’s Right to Equality • LGBTQ Challenges • Environmentalism

Global Climate Change

Causes of Global Warming and Responses to It • Historical Experiences with Climate and Environmental Change • Automobility • Global Energy Reliance • Intensified Agriculture and the Green Revolution • Impacts of Climate Change

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