Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan

by ;
Edition: 1st
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2016-02-29
Publisher(s): Wiley
List Price: $111.95

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A practically focused guide to effective counseling of all clients

Human Development Across the Life Span is a practical guide to human growth and development, moving beyond theory to include real-world applications for counselors who work with clients. Written by recognized authorities in mental health counseling and counselor education, this book is fully aligned with the American Counseling Association's accreditation standards and includes contributions by well-known and respected academics and practitioners. Based on an extensive review of course syllabi across CACREP-accredited programs, this book is organized to follow the way courses are typically taught and follows a consistent structure including pedagogical elements that help students learn. After a thorough examination of essential concepts and theories of life span development, the book moves through each stage of human growth and development to provide expert insight, short case studies, and practical applications to counseling. The full Instructor's package provides a useful set of tools, including a Respondus test bank, PowerPoint slides, and an Instructor's Manual.

This book is the only text on human growth and development that emphasizes the key implications and applications for counselors, providing useful information and the insights of real experts in each subject area.

  • Understand the developmental milestones at each life stage
  • Appreciate clients' perspectives to better facilitate appropriate interventions
  • Work more effectively with clients of any age, from toddlers to seniors
  • Tailor your approach to meet the unique needs and abilities of each life stage

As a counselor, you cannot approach a child's therapy the same way you approach an adult's. Even within each major category, each developmental stage includes a nuanced set of characteristics that, considered appropriately, will inform a more effective treatment plan. Human Development Across the Life Span is a comprehensive guide to understanding all of your clients, and providing the type of counseling that facilitates more positive outcomes.

Author Biography

DAVID CAPUZZI, PHD, NCC, LPC, is a counselor educator and core faculty member in mental health counseling at Walden University, and professor emeritus at Portland State University. He is past president of the American Counseling Association (ACA), and past Chair of both the ACA Foundation and the ACA Insurance Trust.

MARK D. STAUFFER, PHD, NCC, is a core faculty member in the mental health counseling program at Walden University. His research focuses on Eastern methods and East-West collaboration, and his training in Zen tradition has made him a sought-after speaker on meditation and mindfulness-based therapies.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ix

About the Editors xi

About the Contributors xiii

Preface xxvii


Chapter 1 Human Development: Counseling the Ever-Changing Person in Context 3
Mark D. Stauffer and David Capuzzi

Chapter 2 Theories of Human Development 25
David Capuzzi, Mark D. Stauffer, and Tammie O’Neil

Chapter 3 The Many Facets of Human Development: Spiritual and Moral Developmental Theories 55
Mark D. Stauffer, Jeff Cook, Robyn Trippany-Simmons, and Tiffany C. Rush-Wilson

Chapter 4 Cross-Cultural Counseling and Human Development 81
Anneliese A. Singh, Kim Lee Hughes, and Taryne M. Mingo


Chapter 5 Birth and Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development 113
Christie Jenkins, Kerrie R. Fineran, and Amber Lange

Chapter 6 Birth and Infancy: Emotional and Social Development 151
Adrianne L. Johnson and Eric D. Anderson


Chapter 7 Early Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development 177
Nicole R. Hill, Brooks Bastian Hanks, Holly H. Wagner, and Torey Portrie-Bethke

Chapter 8 Early Childhood: Emotional and Social Development 217
Elsa Soto Leggett, Gail K. Roaten, and Kathy Ybañez-Llorente


Chapter 9 Middle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development 251
Matt Glowiak and Mark Aaron Mayfield

Chapter 10 Middle Childhood: Emotional and Social Development 277
Matt Glowiak and Mark Aaron Mayfield


Chapter 11 Adolescence: Physical and Cognitive Development 309
Stephanie K. Scott and Kelli A. Saginak

Chapter 12 Adolescence: Emotional and Social Development 347
Stephanie K. Scott and Kelli A. Saginak


Chapter 13 Young Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development 389
Janet Froeschle Hicks and Brandé N. Flamez

Chapter 14 Young Adulthood: Emotional and Social Development 415
Brian Hutchison, Katheryne T. Leigh, and Holly H. Wagner


Chapter 15 Middle Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development 445
Amy E. Ford and Leif A. Ford

Chapter 16 Middle Adulthood: Emotional and Social Development 475
Dilani M. Perera-Diltz, Andrew J. Intagliata, and John M. Laux


Chapter 17 Late Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development 509
Melinda Haley, Juliana J. Forrest-Lytle, and Nazak Dadashazar

Chapter 18 Late Adulthood: Emotional and Social Development 543
Ann Vernon and Darcie Davis Gage


Chapter 19 Generativity, Death, Dying, and Bereavement 575
Brandé N. Flamez, Ann M. Ordway, Javier Cavazos Vela, and Janet Froeschle Hicks

Author Index 609

Subject Index 633

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