I Love a Fire Fighter What the Family Needs to Know

Edition: 2nd
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2021-06-24
Publisher(s): The Guilford Press
List Price: $60.80

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What is the emotional toll on fire fighter families? There are ceaseless worries--about the physical dangers of the job, coping with anxiety, and long hours spent away from home. No one understands the mental health concerns of fire fighters and their loved ones better than psychologist Ellen Kirschman, who has dedicated her career to the treatment of first responders. This wise and no-nonsense guide--now fully revised to reflect the latest research and the ever-changing nature of the profession--shares compassionate advice and practical strategies for when times get tough. New to this edition are a chapter on the psychological effects of fighting wildfires, greater emphasis on the emotional experience of fire fighters (including how to deal with occupational hazards like trauma, marital stress, and substance use problems) and user-friendly quick-reference tips. Being a first responder is one of the toughest jobs--and one of the most worthwhile. With equal parts candor and wisdom, Dr. Kirschman shows not only what it’s like to be a fire fighter, but also how to make the fire fighter in your life feel understood and supported.

Author Biography

Ellen Kirschman, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, volunteer clinician at the First Responder Support Network, and sought-after speaker and workshop facilitator. Dr. Kirschman is a recipient of the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Police and Public Safety Psychology from the Police and Public Safety section of Division 18 (Psychologists in Public Service) of the American Psychological Association and the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award from the California Psychological Association. She is coauthor of a book for mental health professionals, Counseling Cops; author of the self-help guides I Love a Cop, Third Edition, and I Love a Fire Fighter, Second Edition; and writes a mystery series featuring police psychologist Dr. Dot Meyerhoff. She also blogs with Psychology Today and writes a newsletter. Her website is www.ellenkirschman.com.

Table of Contents

I. Two In/Two Out: Building and Strengthening Your Resilient Relationship
1. The Givens and Realities of the Fire Service
2. Spillover: Managing the Relationship between Home and Work
3. Relationships: Signs of Trouble, Signs of Strength
II. Answering the Call: Fire Fighters and Their Careers
4. Profiles: The Fire Fighter Personality
5. Climbing the Career Ladder: From Recruitment to Retirement
III. Beyond Burning Buildings
6. Emergency Medical Services
7. Wildland Fire and Trauma
IV. The Hot Zone: Staying Safe
8. Injuries, Fatalities, and Challenges to Health
9. Improving Safety
V. Trauma and Stress
10. Trauma: An Overview
11. Protective Factors: A Caring Organization, Resilience, and Posttraumatic Growth
12. Getting Help for PTSI: What to Aim For, Where to Go
13. Families and Trauma
14. Helping Yourself
15. Children and Trauma
VI. Fire Fighters in Hot Water
16. Addiction and Arson
17. Domestic Abuse and Suicide
VII. Special Families
18. Fire-Fighting Couples
19. Diversity: Women, Ethnic Minorities, and LGBTQ Fire Fighters on the Job
VIII. Getting the Help You Need When You Need It
20. Counseling

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